Bah! No Rebecca? No Camie?
I don't believe he thinks that abstractly. Maybe his advisors will tell him as such and he'll do it but I have my doubts.
He wants his followers to love and worship him. Not operate in a, "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" sort of way. He just wants the, "you scratch my back" part.
By pardoning them he's sending a message that he'll do something for them for free. That's not how Trump operates. He's going to want something immediately in return; power or money or both. The Jan 6th insurrectionists don't have much of either.
It will be difficult because the AI only returns short results (relatively speaking). A sentence or two does not make for copyright infringement.
Except there's nothing illegal about scraping all the content from websites (including news sites) and putting it into your own personal database. That is--after all--how search engines work.
It's only illegal if you then distribute said copyrighted material without the copyright owner's permission. Because that's what copyright is all about: Distribution.
The news sites distributing the content in this case freely gave it to OpenAI's crawlers. It's not like they broke into these organizations in order to copy their databases of news articles.
For the news sites to have a case they need to demonstrate that OpenAI is creating a "derivative work" using their copyrighted material. However, that's going to be a tough sell to judges and/or juries since the way LLMs work is not so different from how humans do: They take in information and then produce similar information (by predicting the next word/symbol, given a series of tokens/a prompt).
If you read all of Stephen King's books, for example, you might be better at writing horror stories. You may even start writing in a similar style! That doesn't mean you're violating his copyright by producing similar stories.
No, it brings certainty: They're not going to get it.
If they throw out the rule of law like this there's no reason why anyone should follow the law at all. If Trump and his allies don't have to follow the law why should anyone else?
If the only thing that motivates these people is violence that's what they'll get.
If being captured means a death sentence then there's no reason to peacefully surrender. In fact, it is your human right to fight for your life in self defense.
If you make peaceful revolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable. The billionaires should remember that all their wealth is built upon the trust the world has in the US's stability. If that goes away then so does the majority of their wealth.
Wow, that sucks. There's hot single women in my area.
Just need this one trick--that doctors hate--to hook up with them. They won't tell you about it though.
I have a Giant Sulcata Tortoise. She's almost 100lbs.
Super easy to care for. She mows the lawn to eat but St Augustine grass doesn't have all the nutrition she needs so we supplement her diet every two days with some fresh lettuce, fruit, and tortoise pellets.
Right now our yard is full of pumpkins donated by our neighbors that she enjoys very much (her poops turned a bit orange, haha). Watching her eat them is a surprisingly satisfying and relaxing experience.
Her home is an old lawnmower shed that my father-in-law had lying around and she goes into it every night (we cut a tortoise-shaped hole in the front and put some "baggage flaps" over it to keep the heat in). Interestingly, we didn't need to "train" her to go in there she just figured it out on day 1 and settled in the very first night.
She comes when she's called and loves to come see us when we're out in the yard (hoping for treats!). We often get the leftover produce from Publix that's going to be thrown away and feed her that. She doesn't care that the lettuce has gone all wilty or about damaged fruit so it's better than sending it into the trash 👍
Now that Trump doesn't need to get reelected I think conservative Christians are in for a very big surprise: He actually doesn't give AF about them. In fact, he thinks they're idiots (he's said so in the past).
I seriously doubt he's going to attempt to appease them much at all during his next administration because he doesn't need them anymore. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he completely throws them under the bus in any number of fashions.
I guarantee we're going to get a lot of headlines next year similar to the woman who said, "he's not hurting the right people!" This will include a whole lot of conservative Christians who thought Trump was going to institute their agenda but will instead totally screw them over.
I wouldn't be surprised if he demands the taxation of churches so he can further line his pockets with more grift. He'll say it's necessary to pay off the debt or something like that then we'll find out that the money is directly going into his and his allies pockets.
Don't forget pardons! He's going to pardon a great many people who were rightfully convicted and deserved their punishments.
He's also going to screw up implementing his own policies because he really doesn't understand how most government agencies work. Even when he legit wants to make the government do it's job he'll fuck it up every time just like last time.
I hate to break this to you but this shit level of empathy has been with humans for thousands of years. This is not a new phenomenon. It's not caused by microplastics.
What is new is empowering those without empathy to decide world leaders that have an obscene amount of power. That's a relatively new development for humanity.
Software patents shouldn't exist!