
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

They use it similar to "rascal"

[–] [email protected] 25 points 4 days ago

Sadly almost all these comments are wrong. I work in a computer shop and we see the scam you're talking about all the time. It happened because you unknowingly opened an ad. So you clicked on a button that looked legitimate like "download" or "next" or whatever, and that pops up full screen. The fix is a good ad blocker like ublock origin. Google's being a piece of shit right now about ad blockers so I recommend something Firefox-based for effective ad blocking.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

Owl be weighting for you right here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

I agree with you and I would like to add a couple points:

Safety: a lot of people buy big vehicles to feel like they have a chance of surviving a crash with another big vehicle. Not saying this is good, but it is a thing that happens and it feeds the vicious cycle.

Regulation: I know these types of threads tend to lean into "regulation good" but let's not forget that regulation caused (or a big part of it) this whole mess in the first place. Actually a couple of them: the chicken tax is a big one (a 25% tariff on imported light trucks), and the other one is the way the minimum fuel mileage requirements are calculated. Basically, you can break the math of the EPA fuel mileage requirement by making the vehicle longer. Unfortunately this looks aesthetically stupid, so it makes the proportions correct they have to be bigger in every other direction too. This mileage math is effectively what killed the mini trucks that used to be so popular like the S10, and smaller versions of the Tacoma and Ranger.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

I find your response baffling. I think it was completely out-of-pocket but I'm going to extend a one-time olive branch in good faith that there was some sort of misunderstanding.

I am open to a proper explanation as to how specifically it was hurtful or disrespectful. And if it was and I'm missing a social cue here, I would love to know how that equates to such an aggressive response. My absolute best guess is, that you read it as "you can't be good at anything", but I said "you can't be good at everything", which literally implies that you are good at other things.

I actually was a certified HVAC tech for a few years. I have seen people get seriously hurt not knowing when their system had steam in it or from not being able to control when the boiler kicks on (mostly renters) and steam starts shooting out of the hole mid-repair. I don't have any way to assess your skills over the internet so I suggested the safe option. Similar logic to, if you don't know if someone can work on cars, maybe don't tell them to do their own brakes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Life itself doesn't get easier until you learn how to make boundaries and life the way you really are. Ask anyone that has "come out" as gay, trans, or autistic. It sucks at first but life gets better once you learn who you are and stop being sorry for it.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 6 days ago (4 children)

I truly mean no disrespect; no one can be good at everything. But if this is the vocabulary you use to describe the object and the problem, it's probably best to call a pro.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

As others have said, this is not the behavior that is indicative of healthy adult friendships.

You're feelings are real, valid, and a way that your body is trying to inform you you don't feel safe.

You're not a loser. Living as an Autistic in an NT world is fucking rough. I would appreciate if you didn't kill yourself.

capped the level of closeness they have with me to protect me

Did you ask for this? Your preferences are not theirs to decide if not.

My recommendation is trying to find and join communities that are more accepting. I have found ND and LGBTQ+ (even though I'm just a straight white guy) circles to be generally very accepting as they have had people be jerks to them and they are willing to accept and appreciate people for who they are.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I work in a PC repair shop and I run my tool stick on this way. By the way, you can just put a folder in your Ventoy and store non-iso files so you can have portable apps and so on.

  • Acronis (can clone to reduced size drives unlike clonezilla which can only clone to equal or bigger)
  • MemTest86 & MemTest86+ (+ is the FOSS one. Recommend both because sometimes one won't work)
  • Don't forget that you can put other stuff in a Ventoy, not just .isos. I have shitlods of utilities in a folder beside all the .isos.
  • Tons more but I just woke up for work. I will make this list much longer when I get there of I can remember to

Edit: ADHD did ADHD things. Here's some more stuff. A lot of it is Windows-centric because that's what we specialize in. ISOs:

  • PC Unlocker (Windows password remover, paid)
  • Gandalf's Windows Preboot (similar to Hirans, but modern. Paid.)


  • CrystalDiskInfo (SMART checks and more on SSDs)
  • CrystalDiskMark (SSD benchmark)
  • FastCopy (Windows copy utility. Free)
  • HDTunePro (v5.00 specifically. After this, license binds to a single machine. HDD SMART checks, benchmark, secure erase, sector scans, and more.)
  • OCCT (CPU, GPU, Memory, PSU, and other checks and stress tests. Top-tier tool.)
  • F6 Drivers (drivers for NVMe detection on some laptops)
  • Spacesniffer (visual representation of disk utilization. Similar to WinDirStat, but looks nicer/runs quicker imo. Free.)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

How likely is it that the people you were tight with were neurodivergent as well? Looking back, I had a huge friend group of probably 25-30 in high school (though I was only close with like 2 of them, and cordial/friendly with the rest) and this left me "off the scent" of discovering my Autism until my 30s. Looking back, I would be surprised if a single person in t hat group wasn't Autistic or ADHD at least, if not several other things too. We were just lucky enough that we all found each other and didn't judge. We considered each other "The Island Of Misfit Toys" or the "weird" kids, which I believe tracks well.

I also found myself to be very polarizing. Either I was super friendly with people or I was literally openly mocked with little in between.

I also had an isolating phase when I joined the military. I had maybe one to two friends at the best times, and none through most of the rest of the time.

Later in life (late 20s), I "perfected" my mask and got back on the social side of life but I wasn't happy. Only recently have I learned what Autistic masking is and how to stop doing it, and I'm fairly close with about 6 people now, which is the most real friends I have ever had.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yes this is the correct answer. The words in the meme are written to a hypothetical end user. They would not reference technology like the other person said.

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