Thankfully no. Moving out of London was the best decision I ever made.
I'm a dev. Right monitor has my browser, center monitor has my editor, left monitor for everything else (terminal, dev tools, file manager, http client etc)
The rent on that is more than my mortgage on a 4 bedroom Victorian terrace with 2 bathrooms and a garden.
Remember kids, if you're gonna dual boot, stay safe, use 2 drives, and pray you're fast enough to mash the boot menu button when you power on.
Nope, synergy, barrier and input leap all break if I use Wayland on either or both machines.
When network keyboard and mouse sharing works. It is the only thing stopping me going full Wayland.
A colleague of mine cannot allow beans to touch some other foods on their plate. So in an English breakfast for example, they require some kind of bean barrier, such as a sausage, to prevent the beans from touching other elements of food on their plate. I find this weird.
ISO for life.
You can keep your stupid tiny little enter key.
I have open fires in my house, it was built in the 1840s so yes.
This is very common in the uk, though in many places smokeless replacements for coal are legally required.
If you're still using the Facebook app in 2024 you deserve everything you get.
This. 10:30 am would not be considered a problem legally where I'm from, you can only make a noise complaint before 7am and after 11pm. People are allowed to enjoy their lives, having neighbours play music during the day is just part of living near other humans.
Do not take petty revenge because that probably is illegal. Be an adult and deal with it.