Can you click “sync” and install the OneDrive client? That “mounts” the folder locally and you might be able to treat it just like a normal file.
I just started using it a week ago and I can’t stop geeking out over it!
My favourite is that it even writes comments well which is the thing most programmers hate the most!
Ask your doctor about adding Antidepressants. Serotonin dysfunction can mess with your sense of well-being and that can be masked by the big charges of dopamine you get from ADHD meds. Good times.
Try klik
Do you mean recorded teams meetings or just a video file on a SharePoint site? Is it embedded, or just a file in document collection/OneDrive?
Not a lawyer in my country, but my layperson’s understanding of contracts has always been that there needs to be a bargain for exchange" between the parties, such as something bargained for and received by a promisor from a promisee. In other words, you can’t have a one-way contract. Both parties have to get something.
Also what kind of name is InCULT?!
I want this to happen, and then all of the admins join together to block API requests from the Reddit instance and redirect to pay-per-use API gateway.
Aye, I am pretty sure CSP is bypass-able in most situations unless your pinning checksums or hashes. Just thought it might help take the edge off the hacker panic.
You should write something that detects indiscriminate subscribing and automatically defederates with them.
Calm your tits Mr. Key Reasons.
Slaps train roof