Or master and slave boards...
Yes and because wiregurad is stateless you'll need a script that checks if your DNS endpoint has updated and restart the wireguard interface so it pulls the fresh DNS/updated IP address. I had to make said bash script for my nodes.
Way too thin to add useful insulation. Much more likely for sound deadening to stop horrible echos.
I ran it for awhile but the upgrades even in docker because unnecessarily difficult and annoying. They often rolled out so many incremental and useless updates instead of one large one every once in awhile. I abandoned it for mattermost.
I live in Massachusetts and take the most lazy route for composting because I have space. I just rake up all the leaves in the fall into a giant pile near my compost and all year long I just layer leaves and greens. Once a year I start a new pile and occasionally I'll turn the piles. Otherwise i let worms and critters do their jobs! I'm setup as a host on ShareWaste and have other families bring their compostable junk to me so my piles are substantial.
So you have photoprism pointed to a folder but you push photos into the folder witb syncthing. How do you trigger the re-index or its somehow automatic? I run my photoprism in docker and I always had to manually trigger the index after changes to the folder.
As someone who has and still used photoprism for over two years and donated heavily...steer clear. Their update cycle is slow and the things they keep adding don't seem helpful. Still no multi-user support. If you don't upload new photos via photoprism using WebDAV you have to make your own scripts to watch for changes and refresh which took a lot of time for me to setup.
I'm just going to start using Nextcloud and Memories app going forward.
Most folks ignore laptops, but if you're OK with USB storage or getting the special caddy to install the internal 2.5" drive you can get great deals on laptops. This one idles around 4W with the screen off.
Status symbol and to project a personality.
I'll upvote the heck out of any gnome stuff. Still like their first album best but I enjoy any good new metal and this is great.
As a Bose engineer, thank you! Most folks don't realize all Bose products are designed in Massachusetts.