Yeah the pikachu one is overused
I miss the casual gnome hate from reddit
I can assure you it's not AI, most people there aren't even aware of what's going on or just don't care about the new reddit changes
Ahahahaha biggest 🚩
Pravda za osobu 1, treba malo više konteksta o situaciji al je definitivno sjebano
Samo indie igre, AAA je gubljenje vremena poslednjih godina, ako ćeš nešto stvarno kvalitetno da odigraš predlažem da baciš pogled na
- Outer Wilds ( ovo nikako nemoj sebi da spoiluješ )
- Hollow Knight
- Rain World
- Hades
- Risk of Rain 2
- CrossCode
Cloudflare does and it's pretty good, i like it mostly since i have all the tools i need in one place and they're too big to fail
So wake up mr. Phaer, wake up and smell the rices
From what I've seen a lot of tech savvy users have joined Lemmy but it's a lot harder to migrate your average football fan for as long as subreddits are still active
Small to medium this can definitely work, large scale ( ex. Airbnb ) still works better with redux but i still see people misusing redux in smaller apps where you don't really need it
It's not just redux people really like to overengineer stuff nowadays