
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Not really, there's an older angel and we just got OTJ Jace that both care about turn #, and the mentioned Gemstone Mine for starting player. Really this was probably just acorn for power reasons, an evolving wilds that either scries or untaps probably isn't broken but could be

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Big rules nerd here, and you may already know this but for anyone seeing this new tech who doesn't: Tamiyos safekeeping (or other indestructible sources) won't protect a planeswalker from losing loyalty counters to damage, or for dying to zero loyalty. The reason is although it can't be destroyed (indestructible), it can still take damage, and taking damage is what removes loyalty counters. It's why the various Gideons that turn into creatures both make him indestructible and prevent damage, to avoid this situation.

Ofc, Tamiyo's does protect against "destroy target/all planeswalkers" type effects

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Ooh Locust God loves this! Worst case it's a 6-mana sorcery draw 5 (not great, but workable). Or, it's a flexible board wipe that leaves your many locust tokens in play. You can even do a cute play of copy the God, then bounce the OG, so the token doesn't die to legend rule (since that's only checked as a state-based action) so you get to keep your locusts and your God and have a backup in your hand.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I play it on the deck all the time and it's fine, graphics turned down to potato but they still look decent, and the FPS stays good in all but the most insane of situations (I play on difficulty 8/9, so I'm experiencing the most enemies possible). Only "hard" part is there's no aim assist for controller so the high precision weapons like snipers are harder to use, but that doesn't stop me from trying haha

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Idk about accuracy, but if you take 10,000 shots and only 10% of em hit, you're still crushing the scorcher betas in hit count 🗿

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

When they see my "Shots Fires" and "Shots Hit" stats 😎😳 (the sickle has crazy rate of fire) (my kills are in the bucket)

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

Hell yeah let's fuckin' goooooo. I came back from a month break to put in an operation to save the kids

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Well, 2, since you have 3 opponents and myriad doesn't make a token for the original you're attacking. So it's puts it closer to on-level for 3 mana green ramp, but getting extra attackers and all the eldrazi spawn synergies is still great

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Yep, notably this doesn't have all the basic land types like nearby planet does, which both means it can't produce any color with a simple tap, and also means it doesn't auto-fulfill all your domain with one land. It's not strictly worse since Nearby has the Rupture Spire pay 1 clause, but Nearby is overall way more powerful assuming you can take advantage of domain-type abilities

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

It runs great! Granted I turned all the graphics to minimum, but the game still looks good and runs great. Only problem is if there's just an absurd amount of particle effects it can get a little frame-y, but I play at the second-highest difficulty (so lots of enemies) and frames only happen every 20 matches or so at most

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

I regularly use 4 wireless Xbox controllers for this exact purpose, and it works great. There's always the occasional Bluetooth quirks, but overall it's seamless

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago (2 children)

So now we're making actual people into magic cards eh?

I know he was in the assassins creed games, but it's still funny to have an actual historical figure as a magic card. Can't wait for my Teddy Roosevelt mono-green commander!


Hello y'all, I'm at my wits end. I got the GoG version of BG3 (cause DRM free yay!), but for the love of me I cannot get it to work. I've done so much googling and so many workarounds, I've installed .net, I've skipped the launcher, I've used the alternate .exe, I've tried proton experimental and 8 and hotfix, but nothing has got me even as far as a loading screen. I just get a flash of black then crashed back to desktop. If anyone has any insights or help I would greatly appreciate it, I'm using Heroic right now but honestly I'll do whatever to get this thing working.


Figure this could be a fun topic! Who's your favorite Killer, either to play as or play against? Bonus points, share your build!

For me, my favorite still has to be Singularity to play as, its ability is super flexible, with applications in cross-map info and chases. Plus its voice lines do a great job of showcasing both cold calculation and absolute disdain. I run a pretty basic build, Nowhere to Hide, No One Escapes Death, Fearmonger and either Thrilling Tremors or BBQ and Chili, haven't settled on which I like better. My favorite add-ons are the blindness within biopod one, and the one that makes survivors scream when they cleanse slipstream. (Funniest perk combo: the purple that makes the first EMPs take longer and everyone starts streamed, + the one that streamed survivors hear the terror radius constantly. Psychological warfare from the jump!).

To play against... I think I have to say Ghostface. He turns the game on its head by never having a terror radius, so you really gotta look around all the time to keep an eye out, and the paranoia that brings is very thrilling.


Longshot I know, being an unreleased game in a niche genre in a niche BG community on a niche platform lol.

But it's looking like we might get it this year, or early next year at the latest. I signed up for the P500 like a year and a half ago, and every month or so I remember it and go check for any updates.

I've never played a COIN before, but I know they're very highly regarded and I'm interested to try. And the theming is totally my jam, I love sci-fi, and I love the interplay and implied stories between the 4 factions.

Anyone else want to be excited together? :D


Not my animation, but highly enjoyed and wanted to share! ⛏️


Nothing is better than getting some big groan-worthy guy for cheap, and the best part is since the grave is public your opponents see it coming!

I've got a Sidisi, Brood Tyrant commander list, and some of my favorites are:

Archon of Cruelty: Classic value dude. Gets you stuff immediately, hits for 6 in the air, and continues to cause problems every turn he's alive. He's usually the best option.

Ancient Brass Dragon: Reanimate a Reanimator! Honestly kinda slow, not to mention inconsistent, but I got the extra large Bauldurs gate d20 and it's just so fun to roll!

Dreadfeast Demon: what if my zombies were demons instead? Obviously requires some work to make sure you have fodder, but even if your entire board gets eaten having a board full of 6/6s with evasion is a pretty good spot to be.

Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut: But what if instead of demons, they were Juggernauts?? Transforming everyone as soon as he arrives makes Graaz a big aggro play, and depending on boardstate may take out a player or two on the same turn. I've even had the "can't be blocked by walls" text be relevant (take that fog bank!)

So what are your favorite bigguns to bring back from the dead?


Nothing is better than getting some big groan-worthy guy for cheap, and the best part is since the grave is public your opponents see it coming!

I've got a Sidisi, Brood Tyrant commander list, and some of my favorites are:

Archon of Cruelty: Classic value dude. Gets you stuff immediately, hits for 6 in the air, and continues to cause problems every turn he's alive. He's usually the best option.

Ancient Brass Dragon: Reanimate a Reanimator! Honestly kinda slow, not to mention inconsistent, but I got the extra large Bauldurs gate d20 and it's just so fun to roll!

Dreadfeast Demon: what if my zombies were demons instead? Obviously requires some work to make sure you have fodder, but even if your entire board gets eaten having a board full of 6/6s with evasion is a pretty good spot to be.

Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut: But what if instead of demons, they were Juggernauts?? Transforming everyone as soon as he arrives makes Graaz a big aggro play, and depending on boardstate may take out a player or two on the same turn. I've even had the "can't be blocked by walls" text be relevant (take that fog bank!)

So what are your favorite bigguns to bring back from the dead?


Title. I'm relatively new to the game, only a few weeks in. I can see the power of Iridescent add-ons (silent bell as Wraith?? Woof!), but they are so expensive and rare I have no idea when to actually use them. I'd "save" them for an important game, but... it's always just random opponents, so I have no idea if the Iri would be good or if I would stomp/get stomped either way and it's a waste. Curious to hear from people who do use them, when do you decide to do it?

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