
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 9 hours ago

One heck of a guess. Well done.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

I was also lucky enough to not be born in a 3rd world hell hole where terms like "medical debt" exist. I have to pay parking when I go to the hospital.

Or are you thinking all capitalist countries are the same?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 17 hours ago

I still call them Opel Fruits

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

You might be able to buy some land, build a playground and maintain it for a few years in a deprived neighbourhood. If you have money left over, do it again somewhere else.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

The past 10 years has been dominated by female solo singers

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

The only sport that is a predominantly physical exercise (so excluding things like snooker, darts, archery etc) where women could compete competitively against men at an equivilent level in their sport (league 1 men vs league 1 women) would be ultra marathons. Most other sports is so mis-matched you'd end up with some random amateur bloke against an elite woman.

Basically if you've gone through male puberty you are vastly different physically from someone who hasn't.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Not only do the band know about this practice they will have absolutely approved its use. So direct some of your scorn to Oasis and not just Ticketmaster.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I know, I watched it all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

The fact that American English doesn't have the word 'fortnightly' is incredibly confusing on every level.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

You should watch it and find out for yourself.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (7 children)

On a tangentially related note, this documentary series from BBC4 is a fascinating insight into the decision making process the US went through over dealing with foreign mass atrocities over the past 40 years: Iraq, Bosnia, Rwanda, Syria etc.

Warning: they do not hold back with the imagery of these events.

Corridors of Power: Should America Police the World?


CDs are in every way better than vinyl records. They are smaller, much higher quality audio, lower noise floor and don't wear out by being played. The fact that CD sales are behind vinyl is a sign that the world has gone mad. The fact you can rip and stream your own CD media is fantastic because generally remasters are not good and streaming services typically only have remastered versions, not originals. You have no control on streaming services about what version of an album you're served or whether it'll still be there tomorrow. Not an issue with physical media.

The vast majority of people listen to music using equipment that produces audio of poor quality, especially those that stream using ear buds. It makes me very sad when people don't care that what they're listening to could sound so much better, especially if played through a hifi from a CD player, or using half decent (not beats) headphones.

There's plenty of good sounding and well produced music out there, but it's typically played back through the equivalent of two cans and some string. I'm not sure people remember how good good music can sound when played back through good kit.


I've run my own email server for a few years now without too many troubles. I also pay for a ProtonMail account that's been very good. But I've always struggled with PGP keys for encrypting messages to non-Proton users - basically everyone. The PGP key distribution setup just seemed half baked and a bit broken relying on central key servers.

Then I noticed that email I set from my personal email to my company provided email were being encrypted even though I wasn't doing anything to achieve this. This got me curious as to why that was happening which lead me to WKD (Web Key Directory). It's such a simple idea for providing discoverable downloads for public keys and it works really well having set it up for my own emails now.

It's basically a way of discovering the public key of someone's email by making it available over HTTPS at an address that can be calculated based on the email address itself. So if your email is [email protected], then the public key can be hosted at (in this case) this is derived using a command like gpg-wks-client --print-wkd-url [email protected]. You just need an email client that can do this and find the key for you automatically. And when setting up your own server you generate the content using the keys in your gpg key ring using env GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) gpg --locate-keys --auto-key-locate clear,wkd,nodefault [email protected]. Move this generated folder structure to your webserver and you're basically good to go.

I have this working with Thunderbird, which now prompts me to do the discoverability step when I enter an email that doesn't have an associated key. On Android, I've found OpenKeyChain can also do a search based just on the email address that apps like K9-Mail (to be Thunderbird mail) can then use.

Anyway, I thought this was pretty cool and was excited to see such an improvement in seamless encryption integration. It'd be nicer if on Thunderbird and K9 it all happened as soon as you enter an email address rather than a few extra steps to jump through to perform the search and confirm the keys. But it's a major improvement.

Does your email provider have WKD setup and working or do you use it already?


Given there's been a bit of talk about IPv6 around here recently, I gave it a really good shot at implementing this past week. I spent 3 days getting up to speed, reading loads and trying various different things. But I am now back to IPv4 only because I just can't get IPv6 to do what I want and no amount of searching has made me think what I want to do is even possible.

Some background about the IPv4 network I run at home: I run opnsense on a Proxmox server. I have a few services publicly available using port forwarding. I run several VLANs for IoT, VoIP, Cameras etc. I use a bunch of firewall rules that are specific client devices on the network. So for example I have a rule that blocks youtube from the kids tablets and the TV. I have a special rule around DNS for the wife as she doesn't want to use the pihole blocking features. These rules are made possible because the DHCP server is set to give them a fixed IP and I can create a firewall alias and rule based on that.

None of these things on my existing network are particularly difficult to configure, they run really well.

What I want from IPv6 is:

  1. All devices to use IPv6 including android devices.
  2. To have the same firewall rules configured and not have them be easily bypassed.
  3. To use privacy addresses as I don't want to make every device uniquely trackable over the internet.
  4. To be able to cope with changes to the ISP provided /48 prefix seamlessly.
  5. Have internal DNS make accessing intranet devices easy.
  6. To ensure the privacy of individual devices on my network by avoiding individual device tracking.

What I've tried:

  1. Using DHCPv6, but this excludes android devices. So that's out.
  2. Using a NAT (to avoid tracking of individual devices) and fd00/8 addresses, but this is pointless as those addresses are lower priority than IPv4 (FFS!)
  3. SLACC just seems a non-starter.

Additional: I don't think I have a problem with "thinking about it all wrong for IPv6". I may have a skill issue, hence this question.

As far as I can tell to achieve requirement 1) you must use SLAAC. SLAAC without privacy extensions doesn't allow for 6).

Changes to external ISP prefix assignment impacts MY INTERNAL NETWORK (this just seems insane). And as far as I can tell there's no easy way around this, especially if I have static addresses configured for servers which would (if using SLAAC) have to be manually configured.

I can't see how DNS would be updated either, either Unbound running on Opnsense, or to the pihole. If I go for SLAAC with privacy extensions and I keep paying for a static IP (v4 & v6) to my ISP then I can't implement any firewall rules for specific devices as devices will change their IP regularly. And its even worse if I don't pay for a static IPv6 prefix.

I don't think anything I'm trying to do is particularly strange or unusual but 26 years after its introduction I don't see that IPv6 can meet these requirements. And one of the leading firewall routers, especially in the homelab doesn't have answers to these questions either.

Can you suggest a way to meet all 6 requirements I have with IPv6?


Ok, I've cracked. I have a nice pedal board and I can get some nice sounds from it. But I'm selling almost all of it and moving to Helix. Keeping a rams head muff and blues driver. But the expandability, versatility, simplicity of setup and no need to worry about patch cables, power supplies etc..

Am I going to regret it?


I noticed that I wasn't getting many mails (I need better monitoring), and discovered that my iredmail server was poorly.

I have spent far too much time and energy on getting it back and working these past few days, but I've finally got it back up and stable.

Some background: I've had iredmail running for probably going on 6 years now and have had very few issues at all. It runs on an Ubuntu VM on Proxmox and originally was running in the same VM on ESXi (I migrated it over). I haven't changed anything to do with the VM for years other than the Ubuntu LTS updates every 2-3 years, it's always been there and stable. I occasionally will update the Ubuntu OS and iredmail itself, no problems.

Back to the problem... I noticed that Postfix was running OK, but was showing a bunch of errors about clamav not being able to connect. Odd. I then noticed that amavis was not running and had seemed to just die. I couldn't find any reason in any log file. Very strange. Bunch of hunting, checking config file history in the git repo. Nothing significant for years.

Find that restarting the server got everything back up and running. Great, lets go to bed.... Wake up next morning to find that amavis was dead again - it only lasted about 40 mins and then just closed for no reason. Right, ok, time to turn off clamAV as that seemed be be coming up a bit wheilst looking, follow the guide, all is well. Hmm, this seems to be working, but I don't really want clamav off. A whole bunch of duck duck going and I still couldn't figure out a root cause.

And then it clicked, the thing that was causing amavis to close was that it was running out of memory and it was being killed. Bump the memory up to 4GB and re-enable everything as it originally was and.... it seems to have worked. Been going strong for over a day now.

I don't know what it was that's changed recently which has meant the memory requirements have gone up a bit, but at least it's now fixed and it took all of 2 minutes to adjust.

The joys of selfhosting!


There's 3 things that really stand out for me that I would say made a massive difference to my life:

  1. Cordless screw driver. Bought the day after building a flat pack bed with a crappy screw.driver that just shredded my hand. Thought it was frivolous at the time, but I've used it so much since. It's light, small enough to fit in my pocket and good for 90% of DIY tasks.

  2. Tassimo coffee machine. Bought it 9 years ago, use it every day. Nice quick easy coffee. What's not to like.

  3. My first DSLR camera. It was a Nikon D50 back in 2005/6 and it sparked my interest in photography to this day. It gave me a hobby I can take lots of places and do it alone or with others. I never loved the D50 camera itself, but I did get some really nice shots with it


Thank you for the replies yesterday about my drill. I think I'm going to get a cheap corded SDS drill and some big bits. This is what I need to feed through the wall and there is no way to detach the cable from the camera and feed it the other way. I know it needs to be weather shielded, but this is a mad amount of connectors!


The icon is a little different to what I've seen on others and I don't know how to tell otherwise. I have a job that involves drilling through a breeze block wall about 20cm and I don't want the expense of buying an SDS if I can help it.

This drill was given to me a long time ago, hence not knowing what I have here.



The icon is a little different to what I've seen on others and I don't know how to tell otherwise.



Seems like a shame to throw away and must have a use.


It's not the most exciting pedal in that it's just a clever switch, but I do like the possibilities it gives.

It has two switchable loops. In one loop I have my Diezel VH4-2 working as a preamp and in the other I have my Peavey Classic's pre amp. This allows me to switch between which preamp I want to use whilst also keeping my delay and modulation effects in the FX loop - post preamp.

Guitar goes in to the input. Red loop sends to the VH4 and returns from the VH4 preamp output. Green loop sends to the front of the amp and returns from the FX loop send. That's the two preamp loops. The left switch toggles between each loop and the right switch bypasses both loops, which in my case means I have no preamp as the signal goes straight to the FX return via the delays - so I'll keep the right switch always on.

Then the output of the pedal goes to the modulation and delay pedals and then to the amp's FX return.


I got my first guitar in about 95 and have been totally self taught. I stagnated massively for around 15 years in the middle when I infrequently played then got frustrated all I could do was some Nirvana power chords.

Started playing again around 5 years ago and had my guitar professionally setup - what a world of difference that made! I've made decent progress since but it's still all just the odd riff or solo here and there and there's a lot I can do a lot better. Using YouTube videos is only getting me so far and some 1 on 1 I hope will do the trick.

My wife started taking piano lessons and it inspired me to do the same for guitar. I'm sure it will be helpful even if they're going to rip my technique up and start again.

Have you had lessons or are you self taught? What helped the most for your playing?

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