
joined 1 year ago
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by armchair_progamer to c/programming_languages


Glisp is a Lisp-based design tool that combines generative approaches with traditional design methods, empowering artists to discover new forms of expression.

Glisp literally uses a customized dialect of Lisp as a project file. As the Code as Data concept of Lisp, the project file itself is the program to generate an output at the same time as a tree structure representing SVG-like list of shapes. And even the large part of the app's built-in features are implemented by the identical syntax to project files. By this nature so-called homoiconicity, artists can dramatically hack the app and transform it into any tool which can be specialized in various realms of graphics -- daily graphic design, illustration, generative art, drawing flow-chart, or whatever they want. I call such a design concept "purpose-agnostic". Compared to the most of existing design tools that are strictly optimized for a concrete genre of graphics such as printing or UI of smartphone apps, I believe the attitude that developers intentionally keep being agnostic on how a tool should be used by designers makes it further powerful.



CF Bolz-Tereick wrote some excellent posts in which they introduce a small IR and optimizer and extend it with allocation removal. We also did a live stream together in which we did some more heap optimizations.

In this blog post, I'm going to write a small abtract interpreter for the Toy IR and then show how we can use it to do some simple optimizations. It assumes that you are familiar with the little IR, which I have reproduced unchanged in a GitHub Gist.

Abstract interpretation is a general framework for efficiently computing properties that must be true for all possible executions of a program. It's a widely used approach both in compiler optimizations as well as offline static analysis for finding bugs. I'm writing this post to pave the way for CF's next post on proving abstract interpreters correct for range analysis and known bits analysis inside PyPy.

Abstract Interpretation in a Nutshell


This blog post explains why algebraic data types are "algebraic" - how every algebraic data type corresponds to a mathematical equation - and describes some ways to use a type's corresponding equation to reason about the type itself.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by armchair_progamer to c/programming_languages


We propose a novel type system for effects and handlers using modal types. Conventional effect systems attach effects to function types, which can lead to verbose effect-polymorphic types, especially for higher-order functions. Our modal effect system provides succinct types for higher-order first-class functions without losing modularity and reusability. The core idea is to decouple effects from function types and instead to track effects through relative and absolute modalities, which represent transformations on the ambient effects provided by the context.

We formalise the idea of modal effect types in a multimodal System F-style core calculus Met with effects and handlers. Met supports modular effectful programming via modalities without relying on effect variables. We encode a practical fragment of a conventional row-based effect system with effect polymorphism, which captures most common use-cases, into Met in order to formally demonstrate the expressive power of modal effect types. To recover the full power of conventional effect systems beyond this fragment, we seamlessly extend Met to Mete with effect variables. We propose a surface language Metel for Mete with a sound and complete type inference algorithm inspired by FreezeML.

Modal logic and modal types have also been used to implement Rust-like "ownership", staged metaprogramming, distributed programming, and more.

[–] armchair_progamer 78 points 1 week ago (2 children)

“I’ve got 10 years of googling experience”.

“Sorry, we only accept candidates with 12 years of googling experience”.


IELR(1) a niche LR(1) parser generator. More well-known are LALR and Pager's "minimal" LR(1) algorithm (PGM(1)), but IELR(1) can generate a parser for certain grammars that those cannot. This post by the same authors goes into more detail about the problem IELR(1) solves.

The linked post is about implementing IELR(1), in particular the challenges the authors faced doing so.

They've implemented IERL(1) in their own parser generator, hocc, that they're writing for their own language, Hemlock: "a systems programming language that emphasizes reliable high performance parallel computation" that is (or at least very similar to) an ML dialect.


Bio is an experimental Lisp dialect similar to Scheme, with an interpreter written in Zig

Features include macros, garbage collection, error handling, a module facility, destructuring, and a standard library.


    (quicksort '(5 40 1 -3 2) <)
        (λ (x) (>= x 0)))

(1 2 5 40)

Most visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to replace code syntax and business logic but developers never try to visualize that. Instead, developers visualize state transitions, memory layouts, or network requests.

In my opinion, those working on visual programming would be more likely to succeed if they started with aspects of software that developers already visualize.


Developers say they want "visual programming", which makes you think "oh, let's replace if and for". But nobody ever made a flow chart to read for (i in 0..10) if even?(i) print(i). Developers familiar with code already like and understand textual representations to read and write business logic^2^.

Let's observe what developers do, not what they say.

Developers do spend the time to visualize aspects of their code but rarely the logic itself. They visualize other aspects of their software that are important, implicit, and hard to understand.

Here are some visualizations that I encounter often in serious contexts of use:

  • Various ways to visualize the codebase overall.
  • Diagrams that show how computers are connected in a network
  • Diagrams that show how data is laid out in memory
  • Transition diagrams for state machines.
  • Swimlane diagrams for request / response protocols.

This is the visual programming developers are asking for. Developers need help with those problems and they resort to visuals to tackle them.


List of Rust static and dynamic analysis tools organized by type, with:

  • Name
  • Description
  • IR they analyze (HIR, MIR, LLVM IR, etc.)
  • Bug Types
  • Technology
  • Maintenance (1-5 stars, whether they're frequently updated or dead)

Supercompilation^1^ is a program transformation technique that symbolically evaluates a given program, with run-time values as unknowns. In doing so, it discovers execution patterns of the original program and synthesizes them into standalone functions; the result of supercompilation is a more efficient residual program. In terms of transformational power, supercompilation subsumes both deforestation^2^ and partial evaluation^3^, and even exhibits certain capabilities of theorem proving.

Mazeppa is a modern supercompiler intended to be a compilation target for call-by-value functional languages. Unlike previous supercompilers, Mazeppa 1) provides the full set of primitive data types, 2) supports manual control of function unfolding, 3) is fully transparent in terms of what decisions it takes during transformation, and 4) is designed with efficiency in mind from the very beginning.

Supercompilation explained on Stack Overflow

Mazeppa example (

main(xs) := sum(mapSq(xs));

sum(xs) := match xs {
    Nil() -> 0i32,
    Cons(x, xs) -> +(x, sum(xs))

mapSq(xs) := match xs {
    Nil() -> Nil(),
    Cons(x, xs) -> Cons(*(x, x), mapSq(xs))

Mazeppa automatically translates the above program into the semantically-equivalent but more efficient:

main(xs) := f0(xs);

f0(x0) := match x0 {
    Cons(x1, x2) -> +(*(x1, x1), f0(x2)),
    Nil() -> 0i32

It also generates a graph to visualize and debug the transformation (SVG if it doesn't load):

Mazeppa is written in OCaml and can be used as an OCaml library.


Think, but a simpler version for esoteric languages, with a visual debugger catered to each language, that runs in your browser.

The linked example shows a Brainfuck "Hello world!" program. You can run it and visualize instructions executed in real time, the memory, and the output. You can pause/step, insert breakpoints, adjust the delay after each instruction, and enter user input. There's also syntax highlighting and checking.

All languages


Some features:

  • Ruby-like syntax, terse lambdas that look like regular control statements.
  • Everything is an object.
  • Integrated package manager.

Jaguar is a small app that wirelessly connects to an ESP32 and can load and live-reload Toit programs. This is opposed to something like connecting the device via USB and re-installing the program every time you make a change.

Example (, see the GitHub link for syntax highlighting):

// Copyright (C) 2022 Toitware ApS.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Zero-Clause BSD license that can
// be found in the examples/LICENSE file.

// This example illustrates how to scan for WiFi access points.

import net.wifi

SCAN-CHANNELS := #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

  access-points := wifi.scan
  if access-points.size == 0:
    print "Scan done, but no APs found"

  print """
      $(%-32s "SSID") $(%-18s "BSSID") \
      $(%-6s "RSSI") $(%-8s "Channel") \
      $(%-8s "Author")\n""" | ap/wifi.AccessPoint |
    print """
        $(%-32s ap.ssid) $(%-18s ap.bssid-name) \
        $(%-6s ap.rssi) $(%-8s \
        $(%-8s ap.authmode-name)"""

Scrapscript is a small, pure, functional, content-addressable, network-first programming language.

fact 5
. fact =
  | 0 -> 1
  | n -> n * fact (n - 1)

My previous post talked about the compiler that Chris and I built. This post is about some optimization tricks that we've added since.

Pretty much all of these tricks are standard operating procedure for language runtimes (OCaml, MicroPython, Objective-C, Skybison, etc). We didn't invent them.

They're also somewhat limited in scope; the goal was to be able to add as much as possible to the baseline compiler without making it or the runtime notably more complicated. A fully-featured optimizing compiler is coming soon™ but not ready yet.

[–] armchair_progamer 3 points 2 months ago

Author's comment on

Yes it’s embeddable. There’s a C ABI compatible API similar to what lua provides.

[–] armchair_progamer 29 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

C++’s mascot is an obese sick rat with a missing foot*, because it has 1000+ line compiler errors (the stress makes you overeat and damages your immune system) and footguns.

EDIT: Source (I didn't make up the C++ part)

[–] armchair_progamer 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

I could understand method = associated function whose first parameter is named self, so it can be called like…). This would mean functions like Vec::new aren’t methods. But the author’s requirement also excludes functions that take generic arguments like Extend::extend.

However, even the above definition gives old terminology new meaning. In traditionally OOP languages, all functions in a class are considered methods, those only callable from an instance are “instance methods”, while the others are “static methods”. So translating OOP terminology into Rust, all associated functions are still considered methods, and those with/without method call syntax are instance/static methods.

Unfortunately I think that some people misuse “method” to only refer to “instance method”, even in the OOP languages, so to be 100% unambiguous the terms have to be:

  • Associated function: function in an impl block.
  • Static method: associated function whose first argument isn’t self (even if it takes Self under a different name, like Box::leak).
  • Instance method: associated function whose first argument is self, so it can be called like…).
  • Object-safe method: a method callable from a trait object.
[–] armchair_progamer 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Java the language, in human form.

[–] armchair_progamer 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I find writing the parser by hand (recursive descent) to be easiest. Sometimes I use a lexer generator, or if there isn’t a good one (idk for Scheme), write the lexer by hand as well. Define a few helper functions and macros to remove most of the boilerplate (you really benefit from Scheme here), and you almost end up writing the rules out directly.

Yes, you need to manually implement choice and figure out what/when to lookahead. Yes, the final parser won’t be as readable as a BNF specification. But I find writing a hand-rolled parser generator for most grammars, even with the manual choice and lookahead, is surprisingly easy and fast.

The problem with parser generators is that, when they work they work well, but when they don’t work (fail to generate, the generated parser tries to parse the wrong node, the generated parser is very inefficient) it can be really hard to figure out why. A hand-rolled parser is much easier to debug, so when your grammar inevitably has problems, it ends up taking less time in total to go from spec to working hand-rolled vs. spec to working parser-generator-generated.

The hand-rolled rules may look something like (with user-defined macros and functions define-parse, parse, peek, next, and some simple rules like con-id and name-id as individual tokens):

; pattern			::= [ con-id ] factor "begin" expr-list "end"
(define-parse pattern
    (if (con-id? (peek)) (next))
    (parse factor)
    (do (parse “begin”) (parse expr-list) (parse “end”))))

; factor 			::= name-id 
; 			 | symbol-literal
; 			 | long-name-id 
; 			 | numeric-literal 
;	 		 | text-literal 
; 			 | list-literal 
; 			 | function-lambda 
; 			 | tacit-arg
; 			 | '(' expr ')' 
(define-parse factor
  (case (peek)
    [name-id? (if (= “.” (peek2)) (mk-long-name-id …) (next))]
    [literal? (next)]

Since you’re using Scheme, you can almost certainly optimize the above to reduce even more boilerplate.

Regarding LLMs: if you start to write the parser with the EBNF comments above each rule like above, you can paste the EBNF in and Copilot will generate rules for you. Alternatively, you can feed a couple EBNF/code examples to ChatGPT and ask it to generate more.

In both cases the AI will probably make mistakes on tricky cases, but that’s practically inevitable. An LLM implemented in an error-proof code synthesis engine would be a breakthrough; and while there are techniques like fine-tuning, I suspect they wouldn’t improve the accuracy much, and certainly would amount to more effort in total (in fact most LLM “applications” are just a custom prompt on plain ChatGPT or another baseline model).

[–] armchair_progamer 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

My general take:

A codebase with scalable architecture is one that stays malleable even when it grows large and the people working on it change. At least relative to a codebase without scalable architecture, which devolves into "spaghetti code", where nobody knows what the code does or where the behaviors are implemented, and small changes break seemingly-unrelated things.

Programming language isn't the sole determinant of a codebase's scalability, especially if the language has all the general-purpose features one would expect nowadays (e.g. Java, C++, Haskell, Rust, TypeScript). But it's a major contributor. A "non-scalable" language makes spaghetti design decisions too easy and scalable design decisions overly convoluted and verbose. A scalable language does the opposite, nudging developers towards building scalable software automatically, at least relative to a "non-scalable" language and when the software already has a scalable foundation.

[–] armchair_progamer 51 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (6 children)
public class AbstractBeanVisitorStrategyFactoryBuilderIteratorAdapterProviderObserverGeneratorDecorator {
    // boilerplate goes here
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