
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

What's their source? john-travolta-looking-around.gif

"The Democrats" sounds worse than "the Democratic party." Isn't putting "the" in front of a label just a way to "other" them? When I see people say something about, for example, "the Jews," it's usually something bad, as opposed to when they say "Jewish people."

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

the Borderlands movie I would have loved will never exist.

For me it's Monster Hunter. I refuse to watch the one they made a few years ago. I wonder if there's a supercut of only scenes that feature the monsters. Or anything involving the Charge Blade.

After reading the synopsis, why tf did they have to make it an isekai?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

And even if that bullet traveled at escape velocity it would only end up in a slightly more eccentric orbit. If my mental model is right, they would have to wait until a bit after sunset and shoot straight up to send it in the right direction while encountering the least atmospheric drag.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Thanks for expanding my vocab! "Screed" is a great word for his insane ramblings.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Yeah, I'm aware that all or numbers and models are, at best, representative of what is really happening. That's what I love about the limits of our knowledge: there always something more to learn.

I wonder how spacetime around a black hole's ergosphere is represented by the "flow" analogy. Maybe like water swirling around a drain?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

That's perfectly valid. With the gold thing, I was referring to the fact that people say it verbatim as I typed, (seemingly) every time. IMO it feels less genuine when someone doesn't thank another using their own words.

By the way, your respectful disagreement is another reason why I like Lemmy. Courtesy seems to be more common over here :D

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago (2 children)

That's a really interesting perspective. I don't think I've ever seen it described that way before, but it's very easy for me to grasp. Do you have any resources I can look into for more information? Does that concept have a name I can look up?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

I thought my family were the only ones! Must have been to differentiate it from the "Super Nintendo" we also had.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Along with everyone else's great points, I'm so glad I don't have to suffer through another "thanks for the gold, kind stranger!" Or yet another painful comment chain of "puns" that are more like weak rhyming/word association, often reusing the same tired phrases. That entire place is so boring and uncreative.

Long live Lemmy!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Okay, my own post needs a TL/DR 😂 so very basically: Don't give these greedy fucks your money. Anyway, here goes...

I just watched/listened to the episode again at work. I also recommend you watch the episode (he tells it better than I can), but here's my rough summary:

  • The dollar store market is dominated by Dollar General and Dollar Tree (who also own Family Dollar)
  • They make such obscene amounts of money because they drive out the local competition and have abysmally bad employment practices.
    • They often have two—or even just one—employee stuck with all the store's duties, including stocking and manning the register. Unsurprisingly, this leads to the absolute messiest place you can imagine. There are some customers in one clip who were volunteering their time to help the one person (who was stuck at the register) stock the shelves.
    • The median DG employee makes little more than $18,000 per year, and something like 92% of all their employees earn less than $15/hr.
  • There are several documented cases of rat infestations in their distribution centers, and sometimes the stores themselves.
  • One store had birds nesting in the ceiling and shitting on the merchandise. When employees notified corporate, they were instructed to clean the products and put them back on the shelves. To them it wasn't that big of an issue because "the birds aren't stealing anything."
  • Some stores report not having any working climate control, including AC in the hotter climates. Reports of candy melting and employees sweating their asses off.
  • OSHA has designated DG to be a "severe violator" and both DG and DT have racked up millions in "proposed fines" (not sure what that means) over the years.
  • Since there's often only one poor soul manning the entire store, it's not surprising that criminals are attracted to these locations.
  • (anecdotal) One employee got robbed and helped to secure the store after calling the cops. Their manager asked if everyone was okay, then immediately (<15 minutes later) asked what they were gonna do about re-opening the store.
  • DG (and almost certainly DT/FD) practice in the typical union-busting practices you hear about with all mega corporations. Including, of course, gaslighting employees in their training videos.
  • There are several cases of stores whose entire staff walk out due to, well, all of the above. They do responsibly lock the doors however. They're not just leaving them open to looting.

And that's about it as well as I could summarize. Hope it helps you stay informed about why you should never give these shitty companies your hard-earned money.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

John Oliver has a great piece about dollar stores (and DG specifically) that really opened my eyes. I never used to go there, but now I never will.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Lever guy should be smiling for being presented with the easiest decision of his life.


Let's assume we're not stopped at a traffic signal.

This is only anecdotal, but I heard once that you're not supposed to stop altogether, rather drive at a slower pace so as to let it pass quickly. The person said what was more important is that drivers don't make sudden changes to their behavior. An EMT driver can more safely maneuver if they don't have to predict what any one knucklehead will do the moment they get close.

If this is wrong or needs clarification, please enlighten me!


TL;DR: Have a very expensive laptop and want to make sure I can create a partition on two SSDs in RAID 0 without messing up everything.

Hi everyone!

I'm pretty new to Linux and I'd like to get Mint running on my Windows machine. I used Ubuntu way back in maybe 2010 and I didn't really get why it was so great, except for "holy shit look at the kickass desktop cube!" I also use Arch By The Way with my Steam Deck, but that barely counts as "using" Linux.

These days I'm much more privacy- and FOSS-minded (not to mention more tech-savvy and comfortable with the CLI since becoming a web dev) so I'm ready and excited to take it more seriously. I definitely want to keep Windows on here to keep a more reliable option for playing games.

Now to the meat and potatoes: my laptop came with this storage configuration (capture from the product page): From my limited understanding of RAID 0, the two m.2 drives are used as if they're one, with the data being "striped" across them. Would that lead to any issues when I create a primary partition for Mint? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but the last thing I want to do is ruin my laptop.

Here's what Disk Management shows, in case the additional info. is needed:

I would really appreciate any advice y'all can offer!

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