Also, stronger, blinding sunlight and more headaches.
Pretty sure I would not use lemmy without Summit.
They somehow got the message and actually implemented that it can *checks notes* open emails.
I never understood why everyone uses it as a ignore list. In my own and work repositories I always exclude everything by default and re-add stuff explicitly. I have had enough random crap checked in in the past by coworkers. Granted, the whole source folder is fully included but that has never been a problem.
I had a teacher that taught both religion and chemistry. People who learned about that often made comments about it being weird. But he insisted that both topics are not exclusive to each other. It has been a long time since school but I think his reasoning (if that is the correct word) has been that one is philosophical and the other scientific which are separate worlds. You can't prove stuff in faith scientifically but neither has religion a place in the " real" world. And, to be completely honest, he was by far one of the best teachers I have ever had.
Interesting. Could be useful.
Meanwhile letting a friend watch my game is still broken. And so is managing gifts in the inventory.
Man, I always found that weird but never looked it up...
And I thought that "8" had something to do with "netes" because it somewhat resembles the pronunciation 🤦♂️
Yeah, if you get this exception and not doing anything not-"normal" then the chance is high that there are multiple versions of the same class. A possible way to trigger this is when extracting code to a separate module without changing the package. If you copy instead of move and change something you will have a bad time. It is also possible that the IDE complains but building and executing works.
Fun times!
First time I read in windows update "we are commited to reduce co2 emissions" I was like "wtf".
I reinstalled from scratch. Went from Xubuntu to minimal Ubuntu with KDE de. And then tried wayland again. One the one hand, gaming performance went up by a lot which was basically my main issue.
On the other side it is buggy af. The file manager fails mostly at moving files. There are random graphical glitches. Had the whole DE crash/lock up a couple times And the tabbing/tasbar handling is (still) not what I want. I also have still not found out why zfs automount does not trigger.
But at least I have something useable again!