Technically it's not the resolution that changes, but the optics (unless you want to bring out the fancy math and treat it as a sampling resolution thing based on smallest recognizable detail)
Does it match their prior behavior? Then it's likely to be true.
Not for every problem, but if you're physically dangerous there's not many better solutions. We need preventive measures so fewer people end up in that state, but you can't prevent away ongoing violence.
Probably because they're shifting development work to something else. Doing it this way and making it run offline frees up developers.
Yeah it sounds just like existing IME dead reckoning navigation, but with different sensor types
Also so many head photos taken from an angle right in front of the face or a bit higher, distorting the shoulders in ways you don't notice but which matters when the algorithm tries to splice everything together into an averaged model
The main program is open, but the development tools are not
Spicy pillow
Russia doesn't care about consistency
Idk, I'm from Europe
A fake bitcoin wallet