Fellow synaesthete here but color grapheme, not the type of the article. May I ask what's your approx age now? I've also noticed a mild decline in my own, but it's still there. I'm in my mid 30s.
Hello. I might be of a similar build as your partner. And here is the key question: Is she able to pleasure HERSELF via clitoris YES or NO?
Personally my answer for this is yes, but so far I've never met anyone who could do this for me without some heavy guidance. I would absolutely NOT enjoy my clit rubbed roughly or gently, with fingers or tongue, with or without lube. Thinking about it alone makes me wince. The clit you see is always like the tip of the iceberg, there is a very sensitive part poking but there is a much larger nerve network underneath. Most people seem to find pleasurable working with the tip of the iceberg alone, and that's what you seem to have described. But some prefer working with what's surrounding it, and it is still technically clitoral stimulation so that's what my question is about.
If she tells you the only way she's ever going to orgasm is by penetration, then leave it at that.
If instead she says yes she can but that it is too difficult to explain/guide someone else to do it, then I can give you a few pointers to start exploring. Everyone is different so I can't guarantee what works for me also works in your case though, but it's worth a shot. It took me a while to figure out how my own body worked and I can understand someone just opting to skip the hassle of having to teach another person how to do this especially when getting it wrong can get painful/ kill the mood/ lower their or your confidence/ end in an argument etc.
Jurassic Park 1
Blade runner 1
2001: a Space Odyssey
The Matrix 1
They all hold up so well and in particular their vfx. In the Matrix it's probably more the plot than the vfx, even though it had merit coining that frozen up bullet time shot aesthetic. But in general every time I watch these I can't help but marvel at how well put together they are and then I remember when they were released and then I compare them to the mediocre releases decades after that and yeah. I'm in awe.
That's the neat part,
No, I think OP really hit the nail with something most people can relate to
Lol. Thanks for typing this. As a woman, I always had a similar appreciation of most menswear but couldn't really articulate what was about it that made it feel so off.
There are a few places where there is nice mens clothing but it's usually ridiculously expensive.
Hopefully until the platform dies
Ohhh didn't know about libredirect
I appreciate your choice of dessert
Turkey smuggler, the evolution of budgie smuggler
Hehehehe selling art is very hard already, you want to do so to a race of snobbish aliens? I mean 100% with you that's what they will attempt, but I have my doubts on profitability
This image leaves me with more questions than I'd like to admit. Any context to it?