A calzone, the ends aren't open. A wellington is usually shown cut but that doesn't change its identification
Only argument I have with this is that he was definitely christian, the dude strongly believed in himself, I mean you don't go around saying you're the son of God willy nilly
*while drinking the previously mentioned fruity drink
There are 7 schools of magic in dnd, so if we don't exclude necromancy we can have an extremely powerful artifact for each school. I think they could be balanced by having maybe few charges, or having difficult activation requirements, like specific places and times. One other option that comes to mind would be items that become more powerful the more powerful is the wielder, so they would seem and be remembered as astonishingly powerful, but were so because the mages were using them, and instead in the hands of the pcs are just a bit better than their nonlegendary counterpart
Demon core my friend
Don't know if in similar vein at all, but corridor and corridor crew
In tal caso potrebbe bastare chiedere in giro a qualche amico o parente che ti prestino un loro vecchio libro di scuola, idealmente uno con degli esercizi audio. In mancanza cerca nell'usato, è pieno di libri ancora validi che vengono cambiati solo perchè cambiano i programmi delle singole scuole Prova con uno di prima superiore e vai indietro o avanti in base al tuo livello
No hole in the middle, filled donut stuck to a toast maybe?