It'll come back, has before, till then I've gone to the steak grilled cheese burrito
If you haven't already, follow Jeff Jackson while he's still in his position. He tells it how it is and gives inside info on why they make these futile plays
Love my 2nd gen Toyota. Runs well. Needs just basic maintenance. It can hold it's own in any "Made in Murica" pissing contest. And the only annoying thing is the TPMS sensor light, if you could even call that annoying. It's manual, 4wd, doesn't record me, no backtalk. As loyal as a truck can be.
I've tried so many things throughout my life. Getting yourself to stop is going to be a personal thing. The last thing I tried that succeeded was taking a job out of town where I worked 12-16 hour days. It was manual skilled labor. I was working with my hands, they were often dirty, and frankly, there wasn't much downtime to find myself chewing my nails. This attempt to stop just happened to finally work for me. It's been almost four years. Keep at it, you can do it!
Biting my nails.
I started at about two years old and chewed them to the quick for over 35 years.
This is my top interest. The only representative I know that I would trust to listen is Jeff Jackson, but he's been gerrymandered out of his House seat and is running for NC State attorney general this year. I've never seen anyone as transparent and understanding of what his role is supposed to be. Gives me hope that there might be others like him.
Toilet paper over the top
Am I missing something? I thought their lives were in danger or something. We're here talking about sleeping arrangements and clothing? From what they described, I put up with FAR worse while camping in various weather conditions here on earth. Am I confused about what they're going through?
Catharsis isn't the right word. Schadenfreude is for some, but the former, eh, not accurate in connotation
Careful with pressies
As an aside from the nutcase you responded to, this got me thinking, we generally put political ideals on a spectrum going from communism to socialism to fascism (in an extremely oversimplified example.)
This has got to be more of a field than a spectrum, right? Do you or anyone reading this have resources to better illustrate the differences?