The point is to keep escalating until the government cannot just keep throwing cops at the problem. This, however, requires some level of popular support, which does not seem possible given that about half the American electorate is fine with slavery in the first place.
We need a bot to tag posts pertaining to German food as nsfw. I do not thank you, OP.
Je suis pas fan du vote électronique, mais par exemple au Brésil ça a l'air de bien marcher, jusque là
I hate that it's only open source on the surface, but besides clion or a highly customised vim setup, I don't think anything comes close to it.
La phrase sur le "truc dégueulasse dans les cheveux" est également un grand classique pour les noirs, John Oliver a fait un reportage là dessus il y a quelques années
Remove the pills on her tongue and this is your typical porn-shoot picture. Lucky you I guess for not seeing that.
The answers to your comments are depressing. Good luck with everything!
You seriously can't see how this is sexualizing women?
In case you were not having a stroke: having money does not equate to being productive.
Time to buy some anthrax, I say
Concentration and extermination camps are two different things (and Auschwitz illustrated that clearly after 42 and the Birkenau camp).
A very quick glance at what happened at the US-Mexico border makes me think the camps there fit the bill, or at least the usual definition of the word (basically, indiscrinate mass internment).