
joined 1 year ago
[–] MajorHavoc 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yeah. Which I'm sure is what they're officially selling. That's fair. Long term, walking robots are likely only going to succeed thanks to learning algorithms.

I find it suspicious that this company is touting their AI enhancement while admitting their product can't be trusted to navigate an apartment alone.

Personally, I would select homes with simple layouts, before conceding to constant monitoring, if I could. But I couldn't do that if my mix of math and AI was outright bad, and it couldn't handle it...

To me, this smells like over-promising and hoping new AI algorithms outpace their promises.

And having a remote operator just looks like a lot like a classic mechanical turk scam.

[–] MajorHavoc 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

AI is propping up the blockchain bubble that already popped.

Both have been primarily interesting solutions looking for problems to solve without any hard work, rather than having any worthwhile investment strategy, in most cases.

There's people doing hard work with block chain and AI to solve real problems. But there aren't "the vast majority of venture funds" number of people doing that.

I am constantly amazed at how long it takes folks to realize their money is being pissed away.

An alternative less generous assumption is that they're mostly just laundering crime money, and so don't mind the high rates of loss.

[–] MajorHavoc 1 points 1 day ago

Beat me to i...

[–] MajorHavoc 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This is going to be a great time to be a lawyer... until the climate kills us all, of course.

[–] MajorHavoc 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

When unsure of what the Captcha is trying to learn from me, I find "Kill all humans." is a pretty good guess what the Captcha is really after.

[–] MajorHavoc 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"I don't understand it (pauses to pour various inedible compounds into another vat). There's no way to explain why Americans don't want to eat our delicious healthy snacks anymore. (Pauses to check with legal whether using the word "healthy" will hold up in court. Legal says it won't, but Sales says to use it anyway.)"

This is not an actual quote, but it's wild that they don't understand the road that got them here. It's just way too much trouble to read and research the package labels for basic safety, anymore. If there's four or more ingredients, I probably just won't buy it.

I fucking love snacks, but they took the fun out of it.

[–] MajorHavoc 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

While Neo Gamma uses AI to walk and balance, the robot is not fully capable of autonomous movements today. To make in-home tests possible, Børnich says 1X is “bootstrapping the process” by relying on teleoperators — humans in remote locations that can view Neo Gamma’s cameras and sensors in real time, and take control of its limbs.

So yhis is a non-functional product.

Being able to walk autonomously is normally done with a lot of difficult math, which it sounds like they don't have the talent on staff to code.

Be sure to get your venture capital dollars in soon, because that's all this is here for.

Also, it's comforting to know that creepy robot face will initially be remote controlled by a rotating series of low paid total strangers. And by initially, we mean always (as in the case of Amazon checkout.)

[–] MajorHavoc 1 points 2 days ago

Maybe he's just waiting for Putin to approve which efforts he can resume.

[–] MajorHavoc 2 points 2 days ago

Heh. Good point.

[–] MajorHavoc 37 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I also use "they/them" until someone shares their pronouns.

Officially, I do this to avoid misgendering people.

Really, I do it because some snowflakes are too fragile to share their pronouns, and I enjoy annoying them until they do.

[–] MajorHavoc 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

My preferred pronouns are actually "none of your business/fuck off", but I settle for "they/them" for professionalism reasons. (Until I retire. Then my pronouns change officially everywhere.)


I got tired of having to search and sign up for wherever my favorite movie is streaming this month, so I'm going back to DVDs for the foreseeable future, until the streaming overlords get their shit together. So... maybe forever. But at least for now.

It's nice. I put a disc in, and press play, and it plays.

I hadn't quite realize how much messing around the streaming services had added to my movie nights.

(Recover password, verify my email, sign up with a credit card, authorize the TV, remove the old iPad because of a device limit, sign in at least one extra time for no certain reason, sometimes discover I chose the wrong service and start over.)


My commentary: An AI that can be trusted with sensitive information remains a tantalizing but unattainable "holy grail".

And a quote I love from the article:

"As long as machine learning and generative AI is being deployed in production systems, we predict a heartwarmingly lucrative job market in AI security."


Cory Doctorow details the path to the enshitifications of Facebook and Twitter.

"This is what changed: the collapse of market, government, and labor constraints, and IP law's criminalization of disenshittifying, interoperable add-ons. This is why Zuck, an eternal creep, is now letting his creep flag fly so proudly today. Not because he's a worse person, but because he understands that he can hurt his users and workers to benefit his shareholders without facing any consequences. Zuckerberg 2025 isn't the most evil Zuck, he's the most unconstrained Zuck."


Cory recommends a response for Canada to the USA's promised tariffs: break ranks on oppressive IP laws and build a local right-to-repair economy.

Edit: Corrected link. Sorry about that!

DropOut Sport (self.dropout)

Since Game Changer is the best thing that ever happened to game shows, I wonder if there's any chance we can get coverage of a recreational league sports team?

I don't even care what sport, and I don't care if it's not live.

Televised Pistol Shrimps games or some such would be a delightful addition.


This came across my GamingOnLinux feed, and I figured y'all might share my interest.

I'm excited for this dock release because my simple JSAUX HDMI dongle has always been a more reliable SteamDeck dock, for me, than my official SteamDeck dock.

I understand recent patches to the SteamDeck official dock may have solved many of the issues I was having.

But it's still cool to see a brand I already trust adding a targeted SteamDeck product.

I don't see whether it accounts for my habit of keeping my SteamDeck in a protective case, though.

Ultimate Spider-Man (self.comicbooks)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by MajorHavoc to c/[email protected]

Uh...I guess this is a public service announcement.

"Ultimate Spider-Man" is really good.

Core Concept

The Maker has remade a world with no heroes for his evil cabal to rule over.

Iron Lad sent a series of time machine gift bags to people who would have been heroes - including Peter Parker - giving them the option to bootstrap their life to their former heroic destiny.

This subverts my expectations, while offering new insights into established characters.

Detailed spoilers

  • J. Jonah Jameson is a better man with Ben Parker alive to mentor him
  • Harry Osborn is probably either batshit crazy or destined to be the greatest bromance in Peter's life...and maybe both.
  • Peter and MJs kids are adorable and perfect.
  • The comic completely fails to address how this version of Peter got his webbing, and the suit that Iron Lad provided is capable of an awfut lot of Venom's abilities...Might Iron Lad have cut a dangerous corner in his desperation?
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by MajorHavoc to c/[email protected]

Since I couldn't find it, here's a bare minimum guide to starting using the Pipeworks mod.

This recipe builds a trivial item sorter.

Mods you need:

  • Pipeworks
  • Mesecon
  • I3 Inventory (optional, strongly recommend)

Resources you need (if building this in survival):

  • 24 wood planks for 4 chests
  • a lot of leaves (for plastic for tubes and for the injector)
  • a lot of mese Crystals (for the injector and the sorting tube segment and the blinky plant)
  • 3 saplings (for the blinky plant)
  • 2 iron for the injector

To build the parts - look up the part recipes in I3 Inventory, or the MineTest wiki.

The Build:

In this order, place, on flat ground, in a straight line:

  • A chest
  • A stack wise filter injector
  • A pneumatic tube segment
  • A sorting pneumatic tube segment
  • A final chest

Now place the last two chests on the ground on either side of the 'sorting pneumatic tube segment'.

Now place a 'blinky plant' beside the 'stackwise filter injector', to get it running. Yes, it must be a blinky plant.

Now throw some crap in the first chest and watch it get moved randomly to the other 3 chests.

Now, grab an item you want sorted, say 'dirt block'. Left click on the 'sorting pneumatic tube segment'. Put the dirt block next to one of the colors. Put more dirt blocks into the first chest.

Watch the dirt blocks follow the color you chose.

Repeat with more item types.

Now your inventory is sorted, kind of.

Finally, add additional chests and sorting tube segments, as needed, to suit your personal play style.

Edit: Of course now I found a decent wiki page that has more detail, so I put that in the URL.

PSA - MineTest on SteamDeck (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by MajorHavoc to c/[email protected]

MineTest on a SteamDeck is so fun, y'all.

(Edit: MineTest is a free and open source game engine that started as a clone of Minecraft, and has grown to be that, and much more.)

I would have tried it sooner, if someone had mentioned it to me, so I'm mentioning it to you.

Edit: Disclaimer, I'm not the author of this blog. It's the walkthrough I followed to start playing.

Newbie Lessons (self.minetest)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by MajorHavoc to c/[email protected]

Here's things I learned, so far, as a new player of Minetest. I'm new at this, so I'll gladly update this post with any corrections.

  • Mineclone2 is a great place to just start playing!
  • When confident enough to choose my own plugins, I switched back to MineGame/default, for the bigger library of available plugins.
  • Mesecons is redstone, but looks way nicer. Insulated wires alone look like a huge sanity saver.
  • The world is dramatically taller and deeper, so you're going to want a teleporter or elevator plugin. I found Travelnet a practical option.
  • if you're coming from Java edition Minecraft, you may be pleasantly surprised how much faster, lighter and more efficient Mineclone is.
  • The hang glider plugin is a giggle and a half.
  • Building a Cotton farm was a quicker path to beds and hang gliders, for me, than searching for sheep.
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