
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

I mean... It's kind of a good idea. Ride that 'so fucked it's cool ' wave. Can't wait to watch influencers invest yet again.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 day ago (4 children)

No. I did that once (as a middle class person too proud to accept daddy's help) and it was fucking awful. I lasted 8 months before I had to consult Bank of Dad, which I'm pretty impressed by, but everything about it sucked. I would steal loaves of bread from bakeries at 4am, as they'd leave them outside to cool. I'd go to late night chippies and make up stories about being on a great adventure for charity so they'd give me free chips, I'd buy my clothes from a market that sold soiled and ripped clothing donated from fast fashion stores, and I'd hand sew them back to acceptability so I could wear them. We'd dumpster dive, forage, and beg, and it still wasn't enough. Rent started going on credit cards, I discovered new addictions I couldn't afford just to cope with the pain of no heating, shitty food, and a general feeling of desperation. And I had a fucking safety net, I was nowhere near the suffering of most people at this kind of poverty line.

Elon is a rich prick. I got a momentary taste of poverty and it was fucking awful. He would have caved in a day.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Turns out I cannot buy one of those.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Yeah, other than an upgrade 😄

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Steal from them

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I've always had a rule that all my decisions should be the ones that make my mother the most proud. Sometimes it's a choice between two things she'd probably dislike (like getting a tattoo or a piercing), but I always do the thing that has the better chance of making her proud.

Recently I've started stealing from large evil corps. Not even gonna sugar coat it. I go to self checkout and just don't scan things here or there. Whoops I left that thing in my cart. Whoops I left half of the bag of lemons off the scale and they rang up for 10c. Whoops, that eyeliner pencil fell into the unnecessary plastic wrap of that other thing and I didn't scan it.

I recently mentioned this to my mum and she laughed. She was proud. Because fuck Kroger, fuck these companies gouging us, stealing our land and food and ability to sustain ourselves without giving them a cut. Fuck people who hoard money so hard that people fucking die because of it. Boycotting shitty companies is what makes mums proud.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Any public service over $1m revenue needs to offer a childfree version.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago

Always max out at 4/5 effort, so there's always room to grow.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Pretty sure I have undiagnosed IBS. Occasionally when my turds are overly firm, usually after a pizza or pasta night, I get a sharp shooting pain right up the butthole. It's momentary, but it's the only thing I can confidently call a 10/10 pain. In those split seconds it's blinding.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

Foraging. Don't eat random shit from the wild without IDing it (intelligently, not just with AI apps), but also don't listen to the scary stories and harsh warnings. Dying by plant (or mushroom) poisoning is very rare, most bad eats will give you the trots and you'll be fine a day later. It's easy to find good foods without stress, and while a professional guide can help, there are SO many books that have virtually the same info. Start with local, easy foods like leafy greens, nibble small amounts and wait 24 hours, and you'll start seeing how simple and attainable forging is.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Throw wildflower seeds (non invasive) over onto his perfectly manicured yard.

Another one is a long con: befriend crows, get them to come to your friend's house to feed. The neighbor will likely sho them away which will aggravate them. Crows hold grudges for a REALLY long time and only shit where they don't eat, aka his yard.


I'm gradually working through my forage wishlist. Next up, persimmons! What's on your wishlist?


He was a stray that distributed himself to my friend's house, but they have to do some adjustments so they can keep him isolated from their other cat for a while, so he's on vacation at ours. He's a complete lovebug and total derp.


Another first. Will be doing the nibble test tomorrow.


I liked the print as it was kinda retro colorful, so I sewed it into a bag with toggle closure and belt loops. The canvas belt is also a revived old belt I got 25 years ago. My mum made me the little labels (I had to edit my name off them for the internet!)


Butter and garlic, yep, it's delicious! Don't judge my filthy forager nails lol


...until recently, ramps (Allium tricoccum) have been a fairytale. I went to Vermont for a trip and my friend showed me her ramps field, although it was summer and they'd all died back to flowers. Well, hiking in an undisclosed location in east Tennessee today, I saw this. I rubbed my fingers on it and... YEP, RAMPS. Further down the trail it got completely boombastic with them. This is a random trailhead off a main road, so I suspect I've got a good chance of snagging a respectable harvest next season. So exciting.


The berries are apparently edible though.... lol


My 12 year old cat was going crazy by the window, I looked expecting to see a squirrel, and instead saw this pintsized nugget cowering between the glass and the screen. No chip, no snip, covered in fleas, and very hungry. We got her sorted with the routine medicals and brought her home to look after her while we find her forever home. The grumpy old man cat seems to have warmed to her, and I'm REALLY hoping they don't bond because we don't need a fourth!

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