
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

I'm what world do you not see Trump digging in even deeper than Harris on that front?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago

Every time something like this gets posted a bunch of snobby elitist types come out to point and laugh and talk about how obvious it is that the thing wasn't safe. Well what is? What's the special secret you're keeping from everyone else? If you don't have one to share, STFU with the smarmy attitudes.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

So, no, they didn't really spin it off heh.

Did you tip your fedora after you typed this?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Nice try troggie, but slightly imperfect policies are still better than the fucking return of Hitler.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 days ago

I've never seen an original thought from a con. Every meme, every joke, every quote is just a reconfiguration of something they heard a more clever person say.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I'm sure he could with others, but Taylor is also in the billionaire class that is crushing the planet, so his money isn't really the same incentive.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

I don't even understand how this functions as a joke.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

JFC, maybe it's your shit take on the world that keeps potential partners away.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

TIL she's part Indian.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

The fact that your characterization of anti-fascists is pulled straight from Tucker Carlson's ass and in no way based in reality, yeah, you're not a Democrat and you're not a good troll either.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

ITT Fucking nazi scum.


For me it's Zombie Panic Source, but I'd love to hear others.


Wipe is not an option, don't read further if you plan on suggesting it.

I don't necessarily think I'll get help here, but I love Lemmy and it constantly surprises me, so I'll shoot my shot.

The other day I downloaded and installed driver updates for my motherboard and then a BIOS update as well. I'm paranoid about stuff so even though I'm experienced with this stuff for the most part I still followed the instructions step by step to a T and made sure it was for my correct motherboard.

After rebooting my internet wasn't working so I checked device manager and it was showing an error for my network adapter which along with other drivers was among the updates. So I tried various things with that for hours and never made any headway. Internet over bluetooth doesn't seem to want to work or be detected, my phone won't tether Internet over USB correctly either or it's not being detected by the PC. So I ordered both a PCIe LAN card and a PCIe WiFi card. The lan card uses the same drivers apparently and so it's just an additional error'd out Realtek Family Whatever Whatever; the Wi-Fi card doesn't appear at all. Both the lans do light up during booting and in BIOS but shut down once Windows loads it's drivers.

I've rolled back my system as far as I can which unfortunately do to trying to many other things before the rollback I could only go back to installing one of the first drivers. I've tried different drivers and different BIOS. I've run SFC but it required Internet for some files, DISM requires Internet or a install image but I don't have one and don't have room on my phone to download one. I've tried in safe mode and I've probably tried 30 other things to no avail that escape my mind right now.

Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks for reading.


Let's keep it light-hearted. For me I've seemed to notice way more conservatives back their cars into spaces than their liberal counter parts.


For example, if I type out a sentence and decide I want to add asterisks around a word for emphasis, why does Gboard replace the space between the previous word and the emphasized word instead of just adding the new character? Is this added functionality for something I just don't understand?

Edit: I believe I have fixed the issue by disabling the "Smart Compose" option.


I'm using Windows and only asking here because Google says it's a Linux thing, but my question is what is a Bluez and why was it trying to connect to my computer at 5AM this morning?


I played Dragons Quest Tactics on and off for about a year but I never thought it was very good at all and there were a lot of annoying aspects I hated, recently the game decided to delete all my progress and characters so I'm done with it for good. Is there anything actually fun to play on Android in the same vein?


Aside from Egg, I can't afford a controller.


Years ago I used NewPipe but when I wanted a little more from my app I switched the ReVanced until it started giving me more and more issues. For the past 3 months or so I've been using a cracked Youtube Premium app, but now it's dropping every video after about a minute. So what's everyone using these days to avoid all of Google's bullshit but still watch Youtube content?


It's so beautiful I might cry.

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