A positive thing to be able to accidentally not be able to progress in the story?
You think they intentionally released a patch just to screw over some mod devs?
I'm assuming the hypothetical domestication process proposed by OP is magical though.
I think this might be a reference to peace Walker. In peace Walker and 5 your home base is an oil rig. Both have a guy with a revolver but I only played 5 and don't remember a vampire.
Something especially frustrating was that every gun had a blood ammo type for attacking BTs but the best method for nearly the entire game was to sneak and throw blood grenades instead. Then you get the cuff blade thing and the sneaking is still better. The only real depth to it is that I learned you can intentionally trigger the fights to farm chirillium.
The game was really close to being amazing. A lot of aspects about the UI were annoying. Having so many cutscenes and progress screens for every delivery was insane. Having to skip each cutscene individually was also odd.
Luckily they patched that you only get the BT cutscene once after a while, because the roads that went through BT turf were such a pain.
Keep on keeping on 👍
How? I don't care how long a game takes to make, I want it to be good.
Couldn't you just kill primary quest givers and be locked out of the game?
Oblivion's scaling was so wonky. Especially compared with what I really believe to be one of the worst leveling systems of all time. Anyone defending the leveling in Oblivion is nostalgic or thinks things are good just because they're complicated. Being able to both under AND over level was such weird design.
How did they screw over Fallout London devs?
How breaking was it? I guess that's more important context