Dang, Spelunky 2 is a loss for me. Glad I got to try it on the service at all though. I've never come close to beating it lol
Cotton-Eyed Joe
My favorite cheap + delicious+ filling meal is eggs and toast.
Peanut butter and banana sandwich is also dirt cheap and delicious.
I love the way they've shaken up the formula with this one. Upgrades to your moveset to make navigating more fun could be a game-changer. I hope it sells well so Nintendo keeps making these.
I think the graphics and the art look fine. What I really want is for this game to be Obsidian's big comeback and for the RPG elements to feel fully realized and fleshed out. I'm not sure if I'm totally sold from the trailer but I have Game Pass and look forward to trying it anyway.
That's funny because I feel the opposite - I think the additional instruments make the song more pleasant ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I completely understand though how annoying a repetitive song in a game can be.
If you like third person shooters I would check out Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. I don't think it sold very well but it had a lot of charm and I remember having fun with it as a Ratchet and Jak fan.
Aldi's brand of bagels is better than Thomas for me and are about half the price. There's something that tastes oddly "sugary" about Thomas bagels in comparison.