Proto-punk is more like it.
DaVinci is better, but it also provides licence for life. So it's proprietary but have a good relationship with the customers.
'Generally' is a really wide word. Better for what? For who? When? That's the all question...
New nodes/interfaces for adaptativ music/sound design.
Audacity can have multiples inputs. If it can receive sound from one usbc-c it should receive two...
I would suggest to work with a proper sound card and standard mics rather working with USB mic you won't be able to use for anything else.
Thing is your workflow isn't all workflow. If you always keep all your plugins's windows open then yes. But if you know what you're doing you might want to have a simple plugin doing exactly what you need. It will also use a lot less memory than a big one.
Also when you play live you want to use less memory and want to know exactly what does what. And not have an EQ on every plugin you use, potently having effect additions you can't easily check on.
En fait il suffit d'aller sur la page Wikipedia du racisme anti-blanc pour avoir des résumés de travaux de cherchereuses de différents domaines :
Techniquement quand tu prends une image en ligne pour l'utiliser a des fins privées tu es déjà en train de commettre une infraction au droit d'auteur. Et cette infraction est catégorisée comme un crime (genre comme les viols quoi).
Tu veux quoi de plus ?
Closed beta is for 07/2024.
C'est surtout incompatible avec des immeubles partout. Soit tu as des gens qui vivent, soit des parking, avoir les deux c'est pas vraiment compatible en fait.