
joined 2 years ago
[–] Buckshot 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It's taken me a while to learn how to use it and where it works best but I'm coming around to where it fits.

Just today i was doing a new project, i wrote a couple lines about what i needed and asked for a database schema. It looked about 80% right. Then asked for all the models for the ORM i wanted and it did that. Probably saved an hour of tedious typing.

[–] Buckshot 10 points 1 week ago

The town i used to live in, population 180,000, has a big park right outside the centre. It's got a lake, open grass, a small wood. It's a very nice park. Always busy.

The west edge is bordered by a 7ft wire fence and beyond it is a golf course 2.5x larger than the park. At a glance it looks very similar except this land is reserved for the exclusive use of ~500 members.

[–] Buckshot 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's not really an option for renters, tenants aren't going to pay for solar panels on someone else's house and landlords wouldn't get any benefit.

I'd rather see public investment in grid installations that can benefit everyone, not just the poorest who were rich enough to buy a house, along with reforming the energy market so pay what the energy actually cost and not as if it was all gas.

[–] Buckshot 2 points 1 month ago

Another one for immich but I'm also running immich-public-proxy. It proxies just the share links so the entire instance isn't public.

[–] Buckshot 35 points 1 month ago

My last job did this. They offered more for those who had worked there longer. People with over 15 years got about a years pay and they all took it. People who had been there under a year got nothing so they all stayed.

I was going to take then they withdrew the offer for all devs. I think a lot tried to take it and they realised no one would be left. I would have got 3-4 months pay. Loads of institutional knowledge lost though, i left anyway a few months later.

[–] Buckshot 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Since before bitcoin we've had Faster Payments in UK. I can transfer money directly to anyone else's bank account and it's effectively instant. It's also free. Venmo and cashapp don't serve a purpose here.

[–] Buckshot 6 points 1 month ago

US and allies were first world, Soviets and allies were the second world, everyone else was third world.

[–] Buckshot 20 points 1 month ago

I've given up asking. I've been on the site since 2008, the last time i asked something and actually got an answer was 2017.

[–] Buckshot 35 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] Buckshot 3 points 2 months ago

My wife has a Windows 10 laptop that doesn't support 11. It's the only non-Linux computer we own. She doesn't use it much because it's slow. I can't convince her she'd be fine with Linux.

[–] Buckshot 2 points 2 months ago

I love this about Nix. Had a case this year where I'd hit a bug in the upstream, I fixed it and submitted a PR but then could reference that PR directly for the patch file until a new release finally made it out.

[–] Buckshot 13 points 2 months ago

The bit about SEND is a lie because they are exempt from the new tax. The "hardworking parents" bit always annoys me, it implies the 93% just aren't working hard enough. If that's the case I'm sure those who can't afford the tax can just work a bit harder to cover it.


We're using Terraform to manage our AWS infrastructure and the state itself is also in AWS. We've got 2 separate accounts for test and prod and each has an S3 bucket with the state files for those accounts.

We're not setting up alternate regions for disaster recovery and it's got me wondering if the region the terraform S3 bucket is in goes down then we won't be able to deploy anything with terraform.

So what's the best practice for this? Should we have a bucket in every region with the state files for the projects in that region but then that doesn't work for multi-region deployments.

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