Try making a list without copying every time you add something. Mutability matters then. Imagine copying 10000 elements, or copying 10000 references to items every time something were to be added or changed.
It probably makes sense if the program they came from is a badcase, but at least ours don't go over board. It's always a "you are probably doing something wrong, but we will allow it if you want to" or a "please confirm you want to do this thing that may have huge consequences". With what they were learning, they were not touching anything related to the latter. So they probably were doing something wrong.
I was on-site for users learning our new program. Watched them do something, a dialog came up, and faster then i could catch what it was, they closed it. Dialogs are warnings or confirmations you know, and they did not know what it was...
So yeah, sometimes I do think there should be a wait time on the OK button.
I'm still a windows pleb, so no Zed for me. Fleet I haven't heard of before.
I'm also very much one that likes a lot of convenience. RustRover is know from experience with both pycharm and Rider. But my main points are convenient functionality, autocomplete, debugger, code navigation, formatting and cleanup and git diff readily available. RustRover might be big and heavy, but it let's me focus on writing and running my code without much issues.
The following isn't any professional advice or anything, I am writing HTML manually for my hobby blog code. I don't have much experience with HTML outside occasionally reading it.
I write a bit by hand, to layout my blog page, which is using HTMX. Generally I use RustRover since that actually gives details for attributes and such along with autocomplete. And apparently yesterday it asked if I wanted to enable HTMX support, which was even more intriguing. The main articles are however converted from markdown to HTML.
I do want a better way to design with preview of my page but I think it's a long shot to find something that does HTMX at the same time. Especially since that often means having segregated pieces of HTML mixed into one document at page loading.
I'm not saying there will be mass deportation, indefinite detainment, and possibly executions of unwanted people, but they sure are lining up for it. For example ramping up execution of sexual predators, while at the same time labelling LGBT and drag as being predators, just for existing near children...
Like if Elon is a nazi, then we may very well see a DOGE squad hunt down "un-American" people in the darkest timeline.
I made a super basic blog by hand using actix-web. Basic processing of markdown into HTML and then present it through handmade (and chatgpt assisted) html+css with htmx to spice things up and try to do mimic a single page application. I don't have much web experience though, so much of it is crude.
I don't host myself yet, I used Shuttle which procides free hosting for hobby rust projects. It also comes with postgres so I have been looking into how to move from storing articles in files to a database for more consistent article support. Shuttle also supports other things than actix-web, so you don't havr to use that specifically.
While I said blog, I don't support new articles without a redeploy yet... And it only has like 3 random articles based on reddit posts. But it works at least.
I guess I should be happy I applied a work discount, which extended my subscription until Oktober 2026 or something.
That data display is really cool, since I don't know too much about how a specific number is presented like that double.
That unit calculation is also pretty cool.
Because I want to be a God.
It's a bit of hyperbole, but I was using some program on my pc and was frustrated because it didn't do things I wanted it to do. Or it had bugs, and there was no way for me to get that changed, so I was left to pray that somehow the creator would find this small problem and fix it. I was envious of those people that could make these windows with buttons that made things happen. I wanted this power that transcended what I could see on my screen, and change how that world worked.
And so, I learned to program. I took the powers to shaped my own creations and ascended.
Thanks, I figured I was missing some connection.
My solution to most things, make it a chore.
Like, if you don't buy it, you can't drink it. If you have it, put it in an inconvenient place so you you won't see it or bother getting it.