Makes me think of that awesome moment in Serenity when all those reaver ships pop up out of nowhere and start hammering the Alliance.
I got about a month on a disposable safety razor, but I don't have much to shave.
A friend had this mantra of "You do you." that I've really embraced. Stop giving a shit about the things you don't agree with or views other people are into. I'm not looking to change minds, just being personally receptive and open is enough for me.
Haha, lost it at the Aveeno + toilet paper combo...
I'm surprised government devices aren't using some kind of MDM to whitelist acceptable apps. There are a ton of malicious apps available through app stores.
He makes a point, I shouldn't be tipping anyone.
Per hospital billing, that's probably a $10,000 sweater.
Seen a lot of complaints about these thing leaking over time in the car communities. No experience myself, but may be something to keep in mind, especially of you end up laying the bike over.
Nice shot, Martinique is a beautiful island!
Plastic container + sheet of paper, then chuck it into the yard.
It's probably model dependent, but the one I drove around for my job in Japan had zero leg room. My knees were resting on the dash as the passenger with the seat all the way back.
I saw this while in Mexico and really liked the idea. I was then immediately bummed out when realizing almost everything had that label on it and buying food without excess sugar and salt was a lot trickier.