Men's Liberation
This community is first and foremost a feminist community for men and masc people, but it is also a place to talk about men’s issues with a particular focus on intersectionality.
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Recommended Reading
- The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, And Love by bell hooks
- Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements by Michael Messner
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But that's not women's fault, that's patriarchys fault for instilling into men on a deep cultural level that they need to make money to "provide" and then capitalism exploiting us workers so hard that that "providing" goal is impossible for a lot of us.
A lot of men deal with that insecurity by entering hustle grindset mindsets. Others get taken advantage of by right wing groups and say it's women's expectations at fault, not understanding that feminism also combats that expectation.
The point being, patriarchy binds us all, men and women with its expectations, and capitalism has made meeting those expectations impossible for a lot of people resulting in a double wombo combo of fucking men over.
I think this ignores part of the problem some younger guys have expressed which is their perspective partner still expect the guy to earn more and that's increasingly not the case.
A lot of men have no idea what feminism entails so they aren't aware that it calls not just for the adjustment in expectations and attitudes for men but for women as well. Clarifying what feminism is could fix a bunch of minor issues.
True. The intersection between patriarchy and capitalism creates these expectations and equally makes them unachievable for most people.
Feminism as an ideology attempts to tackle and deconstruct both of these, freeing us from those unachievable expectations.
I've been getting a lot of use outta this quote today from bell hooks.
"It is obvious that many women have appropriated feminism to serve their own ends, especially those white women who have been at the forefront of the movement; but rather than resigning myself to this appropriation I choose to re-appropriate the term “feminism,” to focus on the fact that to be “feminist” in any authentic sense of the term is to want for all people, female and male, liberation from sexist role patterns, domination, and oppression"
I think at this point it's time to take a step back and say "not all women".
The reaction to "drizzle drizzle" has been particularly telling in this regard: You can scroll through miles of comments of feminists^1^ trying to analyse the thing as "a movement", not really knowing what to make of it, where to put it, you can scroll through just as much mileage of "these men are gay" tiktoks from, well, the kind of women drizzle drizzle is taking the piss out of. And you'll also see reactions from women totally getting it: The ones who can't help but laugh along. Which is the only way to take this seriously.
The enforcement of patriarchy, or consumerism, whatever you want to call it and however you want to slice it, is not a particularly gendered thing. Just because you belong to an identifiable group doesn't mean that your actions or opinions are beneficial to that group. That would presume people to not be idiots which is never a safe assumption to make, present company and myself included.
^1^ "feminist" as in "contains the word feminist in the subreddit name" and suchlike. Not intended to be a deep analysis of the *isms.
I think it's always important to keep in mind that in any population of people there will be regressives.
I mean, sure. In this context in particularly though what I'm disappointed by is the cluelessness of self-identified feminists: As you yourself said in your other comment the "sprinkle sprinkle" sphere isn't exactly feminist, going exactly against the adjustments of expectations feminism wants to make among women, then comes along drizzle drizzle to make fun of sprinkle sprinkle, very much in line with feminist thought (though with male humour and camaraderie) and they just don't get it. Complete woosh.
, they do get it but play clueless to not have it publicly associated with feminism so that it can be more effective in influencing culture. 1d chess, 4d chess, who can tell the difference.Just to be clear Im not the same poster as the person who mentioned “sprinkle sprinkle”
Nope that was me myself. It's very much "men should pick up the bill or get lost" type stuff though so I connected it with your "expect to earn more" thing.
Now we just need a strong representative to frame this as populist rhetoric and the left will finally be able to stand on two feet
Maybe that's the case because it's been the case since bartering started about 100,000 years ago... You'd rather your daughter marry a guy with a lot of stuff, rather than the guy with little stuff. If you think you can "just" change such an ancient system by introducing Feminism, then oh boy, are we even more fucked than I thought...
The only real issue is that Capitalism in the US has gone hogwild and concentrated most wealth down to 3 people. Europe is somewhat doing fine in that regard. Don't we have superrich people? Yeah, sure, but our bottom line is a LOT healthier. Not as healthy as I wish it to be, but fine-ish for now.
You dont know what feminism is nor what it says about men and capitalism (a lot. Like a fuck ton. Like the entirety of feminist thought is based on male and female liberation and how capitalism enforces patriarchy)
But you havent read any feminist theory. You have a vague idea of what feminism is that you have taken in via osmosis and cultural rhetoric. I can tell you for certain that you do not know what feminism means.
That makes talking about it kinda hard. Not only am I having to explain a complex ideology to you and what it has to say about other complex ideologies but I am having to work through your false consciousness created by those oppressive ideologies. That creates a difference in language that makes talking directly about these topics hard because you think you know what the words I'm saying mean. You have a concept of them in your head. But you are wrong. It's really hard to get past that.
Have you? Because if you have I bet you'll actually have some recommendations for me.
PS: Does Max Horkheimer's "Traditional and Critical Theory" count? Pretty boring book that I stopped reading 80% in.
Bro, Intersectional Feminism isn't that hard to understand. It's not that complex. I'm not the one* using Jargon as regular vernacular and then get butthurt when people say that "Reverse Racism isn't real, it's just Racism", because I would be talking about "Racism" as if it means "Systemic Racism", when outside the context of intersectional feminism it just means "Inter-personal Racism", but I would not be able to accept that and start calling randos on the internet "racist".
Again, Intersectional Feminism is not that hard.
*mind you, you're not doing that, but I've seen plenty of online situations where self-proclaimed Feminists use Feminism Jargon while talking to regular Joes - it's just a dumb strategy, and I don't understand what their goal is.
I do not argue with people who come into a conversation in bad faith. There is nothing to be gained, and only time and mental health to be lost.
Basically, I don't want to talk to you.