Upvoted for the concise summary.
base 10 = 590741618446309885662238049322513167918815539779
base 16 = 6779C53432B8BADF049BB9D8924A5785DD887243
Calculators calculate while computers can be programmed with new instructions. Fancy calculators that can be programmed though, as you say, are basic computers. Meanwhile calculators that run BASIC are BASIC computers.
When they say writing code comments is important this is what they mean. This is how we programmers pass on important life lessons that save the next dev weeks of heart pain and hair loss.
It's a fourth cone in the eyes. Interesting that the brain just rolls with it being present. Something similar was done to give squirrel monkeys the missing cone they need to see red: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/gene-therapy-gives-full-colour-vision-to-colour-blind-monkeys
I guess I expected better from Lemmy. There are definitely some greentexts more worthwhile, funny without having to be cringeworthy you know?
Blows my mind these kinds of greentexts are getting upvoted.
I use Fennec/Firefox with the ublock plugin. How does that compare with cromite?
What exactly are you removing from urls? It sounds like you need a tailored script that does a simple string replacement for you.
I popped the keys off my Topre with a keycap puller and rearranged them. Both the Backspace and Caps Lock function as a backspace, but I couldn't find a keycap labeled "Backspace" that physically fit in the Caps Lock key's place so that particular label is deceiving.