WARS to my fellow Colemak users.
For some reason I first read the title as "journalists take to archiving their own hands" and thought this was some morbid kind of protest.
I think it's saying you start with owo but then do the vertical equivalent of that emoji which would be :3 then 13 I guess is the eyes are closed? That's the best I got.
Very cool! I like how changing either variable gives you a completely different pattern. Though not the same idea here's another fun one: https://codepen.io/josetxu/pen/mdoaKEr
diarrhea of the mouth but for the anus... so diarrhea?
If you want to make a shade without choking life to death how about a big parasol in space? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_sunshade
That thumbnail is cropped just the right way to where Tom Hanks appears to have a cue ball.
apples and oranges is why
One of the proposed methods for terraforming Mars is to lob a bunch of icy rocks at it. That would increase its mass but more significantly also the energy of the falling rocks would convert to heat and melt the ice into water. So enough energy to increase Earth's size would also heat the surface and kill life.
Just an update: I transplanted them 13 days ago using both recommendations. First I slid the root ball from the pot by turning it upside down and gently pushing on it from a hole in the bottom of the pot. Once the root ball was free I dunked the root ball into a bucket several times until all the potting soil dissolved. From there I could unspool the taproots from each other which were thick enough to where none of the sprouts were damaged and all are growing well. Pictures from a week after transplant: