Love this, and the proper usage.
Only the finest in indoor outdoor living. We know what we've got.
I was happy to find a Futurama community on the first day as the new season approaches. Thinking more recently Dad Jokes was a new find that has brought me some joy. I'm always looking for new communities that are art related.
It may. It did for me a little bit. Although I would sat since then every article or post I've looked at on this subject has carried some explanation of the form, "There are lots of sites, but they all work together so just join one and explore.", which was my only initial fear.
I think it will. It's grown a lot and quickly too. I've been constantly keeping an eye on the "new community" communities and have not been disappointed to see all my favorites showing up.
I second this.
I never thought we'd find it, but we've come so far.