My theory is he takes HGH but he doesn't exercise. The protruding midsection is a common result.
Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen anything of value posted on mastodon or Twitter. The format doesn't seem to create meaningful discussions
One big reason is because minorities tend to be left leaning. This is one of the reasons people are against Puerto Rico becoming a state.
A few years ago a pretty big state university I worked at didn't use any kind of NAT. They had such a large public network space(a lot of universities do) that they would just give hosts public IPs. You could go home and just RDP into your desktop. Universities can be a wild wild west.
When people complain about Windows in a work environment, I wonder really what their complaints are. I mean I don't like windows either but at the end of the day you're just using visual studio and maybe a terminal emulator to access your work. Your codebase is on a test server or production server.
That said, my mind was blown when I used my first mac. Even the best windows laptop I've been given at work would maybe last 4 hours without charging. I can use my Mac for almost two days without charging it which makes going to the office that much easier when I can sit outside. I don't know if Windows is just extremely inefficient with its resource management or of it's all the bullshit spyware companies bloat every PC with but if the company absolutely won't let you install a Linux desktop OS I'd just ask for a Mac. Plenty of staff use them at universities
Thanks, that's good advice, I'll see if I can see a psychiatrist directly. I assume that doesn't require a referral
Dang that's simple. Props, I'll give it a try Thanks
Nah, I mean, sharing this on LinkedIn is basically a "humble brag", LinkedIn is all about marketing yourself as a professional brand. If she needed an outlet she'd discuss this with a friend, a coworker, or even an actual social media platform. It's basically like "I can't stop crushing goals, my husband is content just existing, is there something wrong with me? Why am I such a beast? Why is he content being lame? Anyone else feel this or am I in a minority of overachievers?"
Not even bringing up the fact that this is very publicly scrutinizing her husband, or at the least, airing out her laundry. I'd be furious if someone shared a private, intimate conversation just to make a point for social media validation. But then again, I'm a pretty private person.
I think if she was actually crushing her goals, she'd do so in silence. That's what most overachievers actually do.
All you need is a french press and they're pretty cheap. You just put the coffee and water in the fridge overnight 8-10h and it's good by morning. Way better than regular coffee imo. I'm sure there's snobbier ways to make cold brew but I value simplicity
Bill Burr is probably the only person I know of who didn't completely change once he got rich and famous, he's a national treasure at this point
I'm pretty sure the only anti lgbtq comments bill burr has ever made was a bit about how when you watch something intimate the mind tries to place you in the scenario and when it's two guys kissing it's really hard to stomach, but Bill Burr has always leaned left and I honestly doubt he cares in the slightest about other people's gender or sexuality
To the users yes, or coax(DOCSIS), how they get to the Internet doesn't really matter, the challenge for rural communities is how they connect to the urban networks(backhaul).
A lot of rural towns are actually serviced by wireless point to point radios. They have some impressive throughput capabilities but nowhere near what fiber can provide. Also, they are affected by environmental factors like weather or wildlife (
ISPs don't really want to spend millions of dollars to run fiber through mountains to service a town of 4 or 5 thousand people, it would be a poor investment, this is where government programs like above can be useful in then allowing that town or region to have better Internet.
They can probably make the argument that starlink is cheaper but it's not a long term solution.