He was in Pantheon, a solid show.
Has a simple backup and migration workflow. I recently had to backup and migrate a MediaWiki database. It was pretty smooth but not as simple as it could be. If your data model is spread across RDBMS and file, you need to provide a CLI tool that does the export/import.
Easy to run as a systemd service. This is the main criteria for whether it will be easy to create a NixOS module.
Has health endpoints for monitoring.
Has an admin web UI that surfaces important configuration info.
If there are external service dependencies like postgres or redis, then there needs to be a wealth of documentation on how those integrations work. Provide infrastructure as code examples! IME systemd and NixOS modules are very capable of deploying these kinds of distributed systems.
American Voters soon to get bad news that Trump does not give a fuck about them.
I heard that motherfucker had like... 30 god-damned dicks.
Yeah I was referring to the 1977 one. It's definitely dated at this point, but I agree the character design fits better.
I'd actually be interested in seeing a LOTR movie animated in the same style as the Netflix Castlevania series.
I don't think it's fair to say 2 is strictly whataboutism, because Chomsky has a founded fear that strengthening NATO as a military power through conflict escalation will lead to worse outcomes in the long run. That's why it's relevant to point out NATO war crimes.
As for 3, that's a fair point, and I would press Chomsky to provide an option for de-escalation that doesn't involve allowing Russia to keep any Ukrainian soil.
I thought jealousy and envy were synonymous.
What do you think about The Hobbit animated movie?
I don't fear non-existing. I fear the process of dying and the unknown that follows.
Can you back up that claim with a link?
I only read Chomsky saying:
- Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a crime.
- The US + Britain have committed far worse atrocities in war (e.g. Iraq, Lebanon, Indochina) than Russia in Ukraine.
- It would be better to attempt de-escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war than to strengthen NATO and continue a proxy war with Russia.
Allusion to Animal Farm, which is relevant to the discussion about class warfare.
Seems like a stretch to file a federal murder charge when it was really only the stalking that can be argued as "cross state". Isn't federal murder charge usually reserved for serial killers or killers that transport the body across state lines?