Oh. There goes all my free time again?
What if one day you woke up and your nipples were completely gone like no scars or anything just flat skin and then once you leave your room you find out your dad died last night and several days later you find out that your entire life he had been sneaking in your room while you slept and sucking on your chest to make two gigantic hickeys where your nipples should be because you were born without them not for any sexual reason just so you would fit in...
It's amazing how surgical he is while you can see he is literally shaking from anger. It's like the anger just adds fuel to the fire of his rhetorical wit.
We know how Jon handles this exact situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY
Musk will be roasted and embarrassed.
Well yea, ideally colonization would not have happened, but it did. Would you rather the indigenous people had received no consolation at all?
I just want to say that ethnicity is not necessarily related to genetics in any way, it's about your heritage and upbringing. A person can be born and raised in Japan without having indigenous parents. In this way, they are ethnically Japanese if they choose to identify with the culture they were raised in.
So it's not suddenly racist to appreciate someone's ethnicity. It's racist to assume someone's ethnicity based on how they look.
And what you say about ethnicity being irrelevant to the government is quite controversial. For example, there are various treaties in effect between colonizers and indigenous peoples. Do you think such treaties are not valuable because they are based on ethnicity?
Honestly who fucking cares if DOGE is actually efficient. Elon is an appointed executive branch official who hasn't been confirmed by the senate. He is wielding power unconstitutionally and needs to be removed immediately.
Doubt it. Why would a maintainer intentionally self sabotage their own API stability? Cutting off one's nose to spite the face.
He's also stealing our tax dollars through government contracts. Trump does the same thing.
His last special SuperNature had some jokes making fun of trans women and the people who defend them.
I won't lie and say I didn't laugh at the final punchline. But yeah these jokes are pretty counterproductive and just reinforce bigotry.
Agreed. Take a look at the cachestat tool to measure how well the page cache is working for cargo builds.
OK bud pats head