
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I just usually do !map

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (23 children)

I am currently in the market for a new mobile phone. The current's one battery is basically dead and because of security patches now being about 2 years old I have to replace it whole instead of just getting the battery replaced again.

Pixel with GrapheneOS has been my number one choice for some time but...

  1. there is no (privacy friendly & legal) replacement for Google Play Protect. My banking app won't work without it as well as one other app I kind of need too.
  2. I am also just too used to having a phone in the 250-300 EUR range in the sense that I don't have to care about it that much.
    It's a "consumable" product for me. Loosing/drowning it is not a big deal, where drowning 800 euros is just hard to justify no matter how much money I make.

I will probably just get the OnePlus Nord 4 instead because of their pledge to do 6 years of updates.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Afaik RedBot (oss, extensible discord bot in Python) used it to allow people to run python scripts directly from discord without access to the file system, network and to limit the run time.

In my book I've had categorised it as a lower-level tool for security and sandboxing, a lot lower level then firejail is.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Updated Aug. 28, 2024.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Semi-serious answer: yes

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Nvidia module won’t build


[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

If you have 13/14 Gen Intel and it errors out with random SIGILL errors you are being hit by the Intel instability problem.

At least for me that was the only place where the instability surfaced before bios updates and tweaks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah that has always been the downside, you have to pay for the "custom device you can geek out yourself"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah geek material is probably the best tag and category for Turris, and I feel you with that old hardware, wish I had the same thing with just a bit better/modern soc and more ram.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I would worry about getting rate-limited then, I've seen some content servers just be very picky about making too many requests (through jumping in the video too far too often).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I've returned back to it, when Prime came there were few in the community that stopped as I did.
The reason for me now is to get myself to move/walk a bit more (has been somewhat successful in that) but I don't play it super actively and completely ignore the new scouting thing which is basically just "be our street-view monkey so that we can sell actual data".

Also if I didn't have active community where I play I don't think it would last too long at all.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Yep, actually new video from Seth.


cross-posted from: https://biglemmowski.win/post/698732

I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now.

I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice.

Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what.

I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined.
I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees.

Thanks for any tips!


cross-posted from: https://biglemmowski.win/post/698732

I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now.

I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice.

Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what.

I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined.
I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees.

Thanks for any tips!


I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now/reading wikis (that are a bit barren bc of the old mods) or going thru tons of (240p) videos.

I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice.

Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish power generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what.

I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined.
I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees.

Thanks for any tips!

lemmy-1     | 2024-03-04T00:55:02.006942Z  WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Unknown:
lemmy-1     |    0: lemmy_apub::insert_received_activity
lemmy-1     |            with ap_id=Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("lemmy.world")), port: None, path: "/activities/announce/like/19396dee-b18d-42d4-ba74-31986d4726e0", query: None, fragment: None }
lemmy-1     |              at crates/apub/src/lib.rs:198
lemmy-1     |    1: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive
lemmy-1     |              at crates/apub/src/activities/community/announce.rs:153
lemmy-1     |    2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
lemmy-1     |            with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" http.host=biglemmowski.win http.target=/inbox otel.kind="server" request_id=13f38a7a-8814-4350-bf3a-b5a7e1dd3906
lemmy-1     |              at src/root_span_builder.rs:16
proxy-1     | XX.XX.XX.XX- - [04/Mar/2024:02:55:02 +0200] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 400 47 "-" "Lemmy/0.19.3; +https://lemmy.world"

Considering the timing this is probably a side effect of .world upgrading to 0.19.3 and their federation kicking into "higher" gear. I see 20-50 warnings like these in logs every minute all from lemmy.world.
I am guessing .world thinks at least one of my users are subscribed to a community but they are not (?) so my instance drops the federation (?)


I am currently trying to get a bit more into ML, for me that means playing with it in some context I know already or applying it to something interesting - either way I am aware this whole endeavor is a bit of stretch and having a good grasp on machine learning requires a good mathematical knowledge.

In my off time I have been recreating a digital copy of a table card game called Scout: For The Show and I had the great idea to try and make an autonomous agent based on Machine Learning for it (definitely the best starting idea /s but there is still a lot to learn in failures).

First, I did the naive thing, imagined the inputs and outputs from a players perspective - current hand, amount of turns taken, count of cards in other player hands, ... but my intuition tells me this is in some way very wrong (?), the "shapes" of these inputs/outputs are weird - I don't think the model would respond with a valid move anytime soon during training like this, if ever.

Second, I've then searched far and wide for card games and machine learning and found some resources where they usually reduce the problem space as much as possible and apply the model only on a subset of the information (often represented in completely different formats/dimensions - Markov Decision Process).

Obviously I am not asking for the mathematical analysis of the game in question, in broad sense I am looking for any kind of pointers that might apply here, I am aware this is a very brute-force approach for something that should be carefully mathematically analyzed and from that a model could be derived.

Thanks for any pointers, wisdoms or ideas!

I am coming from a software development background - Python mainly, so it's not that far for me programming wise, and I have already played with YOLO models though only as user.

The Scout card game has 45 cards with a number (1-10) on the top and bottom, the main objective is to capture points by playing stronger card combinations, either pairs/triples/x of a single number (1-1-1, 9-9, ...) or sequences/straights (2-3, 5-6-7-8, ...).
The twist is that cards in hand can't be moved or flipped around, only the top side number is important for most of the game (and each variation of the top/bottom numbers is contained only once, 1/10 and 10/1 is the same card, only flipped).
Players take turns in either playing a new hand on the table (Show - capturing the remaining hand, scoring) or taking a one card from the table (Scout) and putting it anywhere in their hand, even flipping top/bottom)

Resources I have found:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQLkPgkLMNg (Great explanation of the problems with solved/unsolved games, minimax, MCTS etc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXtfdGphr3c (Reinforced Learning)

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a unused RPi4 (the 8Gig one) running DietPi. I did use it as a playground but ever since I am renting a Hetzner machine for (playground) stuff that I want web accessible, I don't have particular use for the Pi.

I am currently running (outdated) Home Assistant on it but there isn't much I can connect it with (yet, getting the flashable/compatible ikea smart lightning zigbee? bridge thingy is on my bucket list). Obviously I do have a pihole there.

Shoot me any other ideas I could run there. Some kind of monitoring of my rented infra would be cool (I already have uptime kuma on the dedi hetzner box). One idea I had was if there are some OSS security scanning "daemons" I could use on to monitor my other infra.

Thanks a lot!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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