Does Thunderbird work with Exchange?
After some work, I got virt-manager up and running with kali. Copy and paste works! Thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for the virt-manager recommendation. I'll look into it.
I did build Kali from their ISO but I'll give their provided image a try. I do know what Kali is and what it is used for. I'll be using it for TryHackMe labs.
No VNC viewer. QEMU works like VirtualBox. It's just a VM running on your computer. When QEMU is ran it opens a graphical display of the VM's Desktop.
I'd be interested in moving the Kali VM to my home server and RDP into it. I'm familiar with RDP on Windows but I'm not sure how to RDP from Linux (Arch) to Linux (Kali). I suppose something like Remmina would do the job, though I found a lot of input lag with it.
I've tried this solution but could not get it to work. Do I need to install Spice on Arch? Do I have to run QEMU with certain parameters?
Any opinion on Notion? I've been trying to find a Linux replacement for OneNote over the last year. I'll definitely give Joplin a look.
Except when you have two monitors and a big in KDE won't allow you computer to sleep...
So three monitors is where the real magic begins?!
Is the third monitor horizontal or vertical?
Indeed. Ford made many improvements to their vehicles in 2012 and 2013 to compete with the international brands selling in the US market. It seems it wasn't enough since Ford decided to cease sedan manufacturing in the US. Now they only manufacture trucks, SUVs, and Mustangs.
And here I am looking into swapping KDE for a window manager.
As the days go by...