
joined 2 years ago
[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Thanks a lot! Yeah, it's on Android and everything I could hope for. The sleek UI, the drag-based shortcuts and properly separated user accounts.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Is anything similar Apollo? I'm on Android, but if there was one app that made me miss the few months I spent with a borrowed iPhone... It's Apollo.

[–] sleepyTonia 13 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah… For years I already suggested anything good but Ubuntu to those interested in trying Linux, but now I'm going to directly tell them not to touch it. Sure, you've got lots of online discussions from the past 20-ish years of people teaching each other how to install PPAs for up-to-date versions of programs or drivers and that's sweet. But how about a distro where that stuff is just available out of the box and one that doesn't force you to use snaps as if they didn't cause issues left and right?

[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

It was almost scarily smooth for me. I laid down on the operating table, they started prepping me up and I was out before I realized it. When I woke up minutes after the end of my short surgery I had clear memories of the moments before. There was no period of time where I felt confused or realized I was passing out or waking up. I went from being conscious, to unconscious, to wide awake pretty darn fast. The only numbness I had came from the painkillers. Or at least it's how it felt to me. Modern anesthetics are amazing.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago

It went hard right almost immediately when Reddit banned a couple subreddits like/r/fatPeopleHate and other similarly cheerful places. At least on Lemmy we can just let those kinda servers be in their own little septic tanks.

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago

I did that for a while and it does kinda work if you bring your mic threshold way down, but there is a modded client called "discord-screen-audio" which tricks Discord into almost working properly. The one limitation being that you can only stream your main monitor and not another one, or a specific app. But the audio does work!

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Écoute, voyons-donc. Le gars s'est fait accuser de produire une forme de pornographie juvénile. Imagine le scrutin avec lequel il va devoir vivre à partir de maintenant. Je comprends bien qu'il dépose sa plume. D'un côté, je peux comprendre l'impulsion. Vouloir interdire la distribution d'écrits encourageant ou banalisant la violence sexuelle, sincèrement. Surtout envers des enfants. Mais tant qu'il ne s'agisse pas de propos inflammatoires, diffamatoires ou cruellement révélateurs, c'est littéralement juste de la fiction. Et juste du texte en plus! Pas même des dessins.

Personne ne saigne quand on écrit le mot couteau. C'est parfaitement dans les droits de quelqu'un de dire qu'un livre est dégoûtant, révoltant et détestable. De le brûler! Mais si on devait emprisonner quiconque possède un livre avec dû contenu sexuel impliquant des jeunes personnages? Tabarnouche... Au secondaire, en français et en anglais on m'a fait lire des romans où des adolescents se masturbent, ont des relations sexuelles, parfois même avec des adultes bien plus âgés qu'eux, parfois en inconfortablement grand détail. Mais personne n'a été abusé pour créer ces récits là. Aussi "fucking bizarres" que j'aie pu les trouver à l'époque et encore toujours. Ces livres qu'on m'a fait lire avaient quelque-chose à dire. Un message. Godbout écrivait des romans d'horreur et a écrit une scène "horrible". Que ça ait été horrible de lui en tant qu'auteur ou de son personnage fictif, je ne crois pas que ça devrait être considéré un crime. Sortez son livre de la bibliothèque scolaire ou municipale si vous le voulez. Que les librairies refusent de le vendre! Mais ce n'est jamais bon signe quand le monde commence à brûler des livres.

Je n'ai pas non plus lu le livre en question et si étonnant que ça puisse paraître, personne n'a publié en ligne une copie de la dite scène. Je ne peux donc pas vraiment donner mon propre jugement mais son éditeur, son imprimerie et un jury semblent d'accord sur le fait qu'il n'est pas un criminel et ne mérite pas ce qui lui est arrivé. C'est vraiment ridicule. J'espère que sa poursuite pour dommages va réussir.

[–] sleepyTonia 10 points 2 years ago

Gosh, what a mess... I don't know how active this forum is or was, but if someone were to pick things up once more to run this forum reasonably I assume they could simply open the door to some donations?

[–] sleepyTonia 6 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I decided I preferred dealing with issues caused by the limited resources of a well-meaning community (And often largely corporate contributions, I know) rather than issues caused by some giant company's malice and greed. Goes without saying I don't use Chrome either or any Chromium-based web browser. It's not just Linux. There's no surprise "Now you gotta pay a subscription to get the next updates!" catch when I get up in the morning and I never have to figure out how to disable anti-features.

Basically every non-game program on my home computer I don't strictly need for work is open-source, often worked on by volunteers or crowd-funded and that just kinda feels good, y'know? I decided to completely switch to Linux around 12-14 years ago and I sometimes laugh when I hear of the deliberate nonsense Windows users have to deal with at every major update. Or when installing basic software.

To install any program I want, it's just a matter of opening a terminal, or GUI package manager like Pamac and typing its name or often a related keyword. It gets installed along with anything it requires. No need to cautiously find the proper website (Anyone remember when SourceForge messed with Gimp's installer to put ads in it?), download an installer and launch that. All my programs get updated for me through that very same GUI, along with my desktop environment, drivers and the kernel. Don't gotta think about it or wait for some popup in each and every program to tell me "Click here to update! 😌". And my computer doesn't randomly reboot or slow down on me.

And Edit:
Last thing, but the Windows basic desktop utilities, like the file browser, text editor and such are all so much worse than the most common Linux alternatives that it's kind of sad. I don't know how people function without tabs and split-view when moving files. And I haven't even touched on how ridiculously customizable Linux desktops are. Nothing compares out there.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

"A bit overkill" 😂
Really cool video! I gotta take some proper time and wrap my head around signed distance fields and raymarching shaders, even if just for that once in a moon excuse to use such an expensive system. This and the water bottle shaders like the ones used in Half Life Alyx.

[–] sleepyTonia 13 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Probably never. They're my third option after native packages and built-from-source packages/installs either manually or using the AUR. They're convenient and the only option I tolerate of those newer package styles (Flatpak/Snap/AppImage), but seemingly having to download a new 800+MB runtime for small 32MB applications is ridiculously wasteful and I wouldn't touch them if I didn't have at least a TB of storage.

[–] sleepyTonia 3 points 2 years ago

But if some gaming peripheral maker wants to advertise Steam Deck support they will essentially have to support Linux at least!

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