i don't know how the /s in the middle looks, if you just want it to appear verbatim, use the code mode /s
, to use it, wrap whatever you want to keep verbatim between pair of 3 back ticks ```hello```
for those who did not get it, this statement was sarcastic and written without /s
no (yes), i prefer no sarcasm marker ideally, but if you have to, i prefer /s over some others (i dont like /jk or lol). If you can't tell sarcasm from not sarcasm, you really should not be using internet.
well that gives me some soothe
my family is dying and i dont like it, atleast get me on the tracks with them, would not be able to live with the guilt anyway
i dont really have anything to add or ask, but appreciate what seems like unicode character in your username.
i may be wrong here, but if i remember correctly, in ech, essentially our first communication is done with some central server (which as of now is mostly cloudflare) and then they make some connection with target server, and then a channel is established between us and target. my google-fu brought me this , which is basically this only
https://cf-assets.www.cloudflare.com/zkvhlag99gkb/3C9ceBTx5AQXu8tS0lgzdF/55ea89f5a56843db15296b2b47f7b1c2/image3-17.png (https://blog.cloudflare.com/encrypted-client-hello/)
I am unfamiliar with QUIC, and quick search basically tells it is kinda like multilane highway for udp.
If I have to compare, (not a network engineer or a person who has studied networking, to me anything beyond the simple protocols seems magic), QUIC seems like a techt which is only used after you have made connection with target, so its implementation is google independent (they seem to be lead developers for this). Whereas in ECH, cloudflare are the primary devs, but also the holder for the public keys (someone else can also be the holder, but i dont know of any other provider currently, maybe my lack of knowledge here)
Essentially just an extension of your point that implementation is lacking
if i am not wrong, it is because essentially both are same (slight differences in what is allowed and what is not, https://github.com/IJMacD/rfc3339-iso8601), but RFC is more free as in freedom
for me, currently the problem is over reliance on Cloudflare, which is yet another big tech company
I live in a country where 10s of millions died, due to partition. So i have seen blood. And what were believes of the people who saw it first hand - just stop where we are and restart building from here. The thing is, we believe violence can solve everything, it is the last weapon of game, that when we pick, we end story there, but that is not always the case, believing that violence is last resort - is also very naive according to me - From a fellow naive. Consider this a goodbye from me for today, hope to meet you in some other post (or irl) someday.
i have no idea what cyclon or scanner is, but man sure is dope