
joined 2 years ago
[–] samus7070 2 points 11 months ago

He’s not going to jail yet. Those are other criminal cases.

[–] samus7070 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I’m going to sound very negative here and it isn’t because I don’t like open source software. I use it and contribute to it. The problem with OSS apps is that they get cloned by people who don’t care about the license and repackaged with predatory subscriptions or with malware. In the case of malware these lowlifes go out on sites like Fiver and offer to pay unsuspecting developers to distribute the app. If the app is downloaded even once, that developer now faces a lifetime ban from distributing Android apps. I suspect similar things happen on the App Store. It’s just more visible in the Android forums I follow than it is in the iOS ones.

I have seen stories of oss apps being cloned and then Apple mistakenly not letting the original dev upload updates because the app has been flagged in their system as being a spam app or built from a template. This is usually correctable with enough email to support.

My recommendation is to keep your app closed source on both platforms. If you want to contribute to the communities, release a library or contribute to one. If you want to show How to write an app, make something minimal and trivial like a todo list. You can also create a blog.

[–] samus7070 7 points 11 months ago

They tried like hell to keep it off of the ballot in Ohio because they were afraid of what did happen. I can’t say if all of the dirty politics influenced people who were unsure how to vote in the opposite direction the GOP intended. Statistically speaking the final vote wasn’t even close. That is what they fear.

[–] samus7070 5 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Or it is just corporate greed. Samsung would love to position something that is just okay into a premium price tier and not have to pay Intel. Sure they’re going to pay Qualcomm instead but you can bet that Qualcomm is giving some great introductory prices to their early partners.

[–] samus7070 5 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Any program written for the .net clr ought to just run out of the box. There’s also an x64 to ARM translation layer that works much like Apple’s Rosetta. It will run the binary through a translation and execute that. I have one of the windows arm dev units. It works relatively well except on some games from my limited experience.

[–] samus7070 8 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Have you ever driven through a small town and seen a police car sitting right where the speed limit drops? Those tickets and the kangaroo mayor’s courts are the only reason some of those towns are still alive.

[–] samus7070 3 points 11 months ago

The logo is closer to do ith ub. It might summon an orcish demon patron if said with the right spell components.

[–] samus7070 3 points 11 months ago

I would guess that it has more to do with the Amazon App Store. The catalog is not very big and just a fraction of what the Play Store is.

[–] samus7070 4 points 11 months ago

Recently I made an app using Flutter that I tried to distribute over the Windows Store. I was unable to get past the company verification process despite having whatever I needed. Their backend management site is pretty bad. Eventually I got stuck in some loop where the page would just keep refreshing endlessly. The tax form site which is separate wraps another site in an iframe. I decided to set it aside for a while because the app is also in the Amazon store. If I can conjure up the energy I’ll fight that beast again.

[–] samus7070 4 points 11 months ago

I’m all for it as long as the federal tax credit for fourteen children outweighs the storage costs. It’ll be nice to still claim that one when I’m in my nineties. /s in case it wasn’t clear.

[–] samus7070 5 points 11 months ago (1 children)

True. I’m not an expert here but I always thought that fan fiction could only co-exist with copyrighted material if the author wasn’t benefiting financially from the derivative work. Someone else taking it and selling it seems like more a target for the rights holders of the original work.

[–] samus7070 12 points 11 months ago

I have one of the Voltera dev kits. It’s not bad. It probably runs at almost the same speed as the m1 mini or maybe closer to the dev kit. The x86 emulation is decent. It doesn’t do well when running old games like Age of Empires 2 HD. For doing light development it is okay. The nice thing is that it is far more efficient than anything Intel puts out. Whether Qualcomm can keep the performance per watt to levels like the M series chips remains to be seen.

@Model for CoreData (
submitted 1 year ago by samus7070 to c/ios_dev

I've never been a big Core Data fan since it has cost me many days of my life debugging odd issues. To be fair, the issues weren't caused by Core Data. It was all of the foot-guns it left around that the junior developers on the team were more than happy to pick up and play with. This does look like an interesting use of macros though and is certainly a good example of how to craft more complex macros.


This is one feature that I missed from some other languages like Kotlin. It isn’t super useful for ifs but a switch with a lot of cases? Bring it on.

RaspberryPi 5 Review (
submitted 1 year ago by samus7070 to c/raspberry_pi

It looks like a big improvement over the 4 but sadly needs active cooling or it throttles under load quickly. It has a new form factor which requires a new case too. Still there are a lot of great additions that make it a good upgrade.


cross-posted from:

Type parameter packs and value parameter packs allow you to write a generic function that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments with distinct types. As a result of SE-393, SE-398, and SE-399, you can use this new feature from Swift 5.9.


Type parameter packs and value parameter packs allow you to write a generic function that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments with distinct types. As a result of SE-393, SE-398, and SE-399, you can use this new feature from Swift 5.9.


Usually when I read a KMP article it talks about mobile. This one is about JS and the JVM.

Making Multiplatform Better (
submitted 1 year ago by samus7070 to c/kotlin

In this episode, we talk to Rick Clephas, one of the Kotlin Foundation Grants Program winners and the creator of KMP-NativeCoroutines and KMM-ViewModel.

When I last used KMP it was before the new memory model so I avoided coroutines as much as possible. A year later and it looks to be so much easier and better now.

submitted 1 year ago by samus7070 to c/ios_dev

I found this link via SwiftUI Weekly #161

Actors is the new Swift language feature, making your types thread-safe. This week, we will learn how to use actors and their benefits over locks. We will also discuss actor reentrancy, the main confusing point of using actors.

In the previous post, we modeled a Store type, allowing us to implement state management predictably.


A modular project approach for Flutter. Nino Handler shows us how to organize our app into a package-based modular app architecture.

How to Fetch Data and Perform Data Mutations with the Riverpod Architecture. Andrea Bizzotto gives us a great tutorial on how to fetch data and perform mutations using Riverpod.

How to use URL Launcher package in flutter | URL Launcher | #flutter #flutterdev #flutterwidgets. By WorldOfFlutter. A brief description on how to use the URL Launcher package by flutter. Follow the above steps for different URL schemes and use it in your projects!

A Complete Guide for using Dynamic Island in your next Flutter App. By Yash Makan. In this comprehensive tutorial, I'll walk you through the exciting world of Dynamic Island on iOS and how to seamlessly integrate them into your Flutter application with real-time API integration.

And more


When constructing an app’s user interface (UI), the choice of framework is incredibly important. The right UI framework can make an app feel smooth, responsive, even delightful, while a UI framework that doesn’t match an app’s needs can make it feel sluggish and broken. This principle extends to developer experience as well; a UI framework with well-designed APIs can enable engineers to express themselves fluently, efficiently, and correctly, while one with the wrong abstractions or inconsistent APIs can make engineers’ jobs more difficult by slowing them down with unnecessary complexity.

At Airbnb, we want our mobile apps to provide a world-class user experience and a world-class developer experience. This desire led us to build our own UI framework named Epoxy in 2016. Epoxy is a declarative UI framework, which means that engineers describe what their UI should be structured like for a given screen state and the framework then figures out how to make updates to the view hierarchy to render the screen contents. Epoxy uses UIKit under the hood to render views.

The iOS UI framework landscape shifted in 2019 with the introduction of SwiftUI, a first-party declarative UI framework that accomplishes many of the same goals as Epoxy. Although SwiftUI was not a good fit for our needs during its first three years, by 2022 it offered increased stability and API availability. It was around this time that we started to consider adopting SwiftUI at Airbnb.

In my own experience rewriting a UIKit app to SwiftUI I would say that we realized a 3x code reduction. It isn't a perfect measurement because there are functionality changes from the old code and new.


I’m excited to announce a new open source project exploring improvements to the testing experience for Swift. My colleagues @briancroom, @grynspan, @chefski, @Dennis and I have been working on this in recent months and have some early progress we're excited to share.

Inspired by what’s possible with Swift macros, we’ve built a testing library API that can:

Provide granular details about individual tests using an attached macro named @Test. This enables many new features like expressing requirements, passing arguments, or adding custom tags, all directly in code instead of separate configuration files. Validate expected conditions in tests with detailed and actionable failure information using an expression macro spelled #expect(...). This works by capturing the values of passed-in expressions and their source code automatically to inform failure messages, and is also easier to learn than specialized assertion functions since it accepts built-in operator expressions like #expect(a == b). Easily repeat a test multiple times with different inputs by adding a parameter to the function and specifying its arguments in the @Test attribute.


Flutter Connection 2023 was held in Paris on June 2nd. There are 12 videos available to watch from YouTube with some interesting topics covered.

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