How are vitamin deficiencies detected? Some specific blood test?
At my lowest:
- I wanted to get out of the pit just so I could help others get out too. But I'd admit I haven't actually realised this commitment. I just ask people how they feel and try to listen to everyone.
- I did not want to give anyone the pleasure to know that I gave up, that I could not take it anymore. That they won.
- I'd prefer to not cause suffering to my loved ones.
Now, I think life is both a gift and a responsability. And, right now, I want to fulfill this responsability I have towards others.
Anyways, I wish you all an existence that is worth going through.
Stool’s ability to float is usually related to air. A high fiber diet and gas can cause stool to float. A diet high in fiber leads to increased bacterial fermentation during digestion. This produces more air, which can get trapped in stool, causing it to float.
Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325274
This same source says that too much fat could also cause floating, but from a different article:
Some people think that floating poop is caused by fat, but it’s usually caused by gas. Research has indicated that once floating stools were degassed, they weighed the same as sinking poop. This indicates that gas was responsible for making floating stools float, rather than fat inside the poop.
Source: https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/what-to-know-about-floating-stools
But, in general, not necessarily something to worry about.
I see it's the reference book for the 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms (MIT OpenCourseWare) course.
Exactly. It's just people don't want to take responsability for the decisions they are able to make.
En Venezuela siempre ha habido muchísima pobreza, que es bien distinto a decir que siempre ha sido pobre.
Venezuela ha tenido momentos de bonanza económica en los que gente todas las clases económicas ha podido prosperar. Momentos en los que ha habido cierta clase media.
Efectivamente, los altos precios del petróleo no solo permitieron a la élite chavista enriquecerse, sino también poner en marcha varios programas sociales (obviamente, demandando lealtad al proceso) y comprar lealtades en el exterior regalando petróleo. Después de la caida de los precios del petróleo y la destrucción de PDVSA, ya esto no fue posible.
Pero si lo que quieres decir es que con o sin régimen chavista Venezuela sería pobre igualmente, creo que te equivocas. La miseria ha empujado a millones de Venezolanos al exterior como no había precedentes en su historia. Y fuera de la situación económica, la represión política también es una realidad.
Venezuela estaría mejor sin el régimen. Lo de que sea de izquierdas es casi accesorio.
Los ejes de izquiera y derecha son una simplificación. Hay muchas más dimensiones en las situar un movimiento político. Hay que ir a lo concreto.
Me importan bien poco las críticas de la izquierda del primer mundo.
No sé si las cosas mejoren con Milei, pero como venezolano, deseo para los Argentinos el país que merecen.
Although, I don't know how would I've guessed the dog likes to bite people's throats.
I almost never understand the jokes of this comics.
I had to search it. It's a real quote: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezekiel%2023:20&version=NIV
If anyone is curious about its interpretation:
The lewd image here is meant to be striking and to promote disgust at the lust of the Jews after the ways of their slavery in Egypt, as though Egypt had been the abusive lover of her adulterous youth.
Source: https://connectusfund.org/ezekiel-23-20-meaning-of-she-lusted-after-her-lovers