
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I have mixed feelings about the necessity of this.

On the one hand, I know they don't really need the cell phones, because they didn't exist when I was in school.

On the other hand, the kids who are paying attention to their cell phone rather than the teacher probably wouldn't listen to the teacher if the cell phone wasn't present, either, and some of them would be far more disruptive toward other students who are trying to listen.

On the third hand, expecting the kids to pay attention all the time even if they've already mastered the subject and are bored out of their skulls by the repetition needed for the kids below the class median to have a chance of understanding too is a problem in and of itself.

Fortunately, I am not a teacher, a student, or the parent of a student, so I have no horse in this race and am not required to make a decision on whether the bans are useful or just obnoxious.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

There's also a buried reference to using a several-years-patched gpac bug to gain root access before this thing can do most of its stealth stuff.

Basically, it needs your system to already have a known, unpatched RCE bug before it can get a foothold, and if you've got one of those you have problems that go way beyond stealth crypto miners stealing electricity.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's kind of an iffy assertion. That's maybe the number of files it scans looking for misconfigurations it can exploit, but I'd bet there's a lot of overlap in the potential contents of those files (either because of cascading configurations, or because they're looking for the same file in slightly different places to mitigate distro differences). So the number of possible exploits is likely far fewer.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Hmm. So is it actually the number of fraudullent papers that's up, or is it the number of frauds that get caught?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

There's a reason why most other groups on the emulation scene wait for a given console to be a couple of generations dead before they'll touch it. And Nintendo has always been touchy about their property (intellectual and otherwise) I'm not going to argue about who has the moral high ground here, but this result isn't unexpected.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

If we get the unnecessary middle-class commuter vehicles off the streets, the drop in congestion will make it easier for those people who do need to drive to do so, and make increasing the road capacity unnecessary. A solution doesn't have to work for everyone to be useful, and yes, I agree that this one is obviously not practical or useful for someone who works construction, or retail, or in a warehouse or a garage or a restaurant or a lab or a factory or any other job that requires you to be on-site.

I'm not anti-car. I own one. I drive. My physical condition and the location I live in pretty much require it. What I'm against is car trips that increase congestion and pollution without serving a practical purpose, and the constant increase in the number of overpriced lanes of asphalt around Toronto when vital transportation infrastructure in the rest of the province is falling apart. There's a road a couple of hours' drive north of here that gets a decent amount of traffic that they're talking about downgrading to gravel because the municipalities that the province dumped it on can't afford to repave it—it would literally cost several times the annual budget of the smaller town to repave their section. The railways are decaying to the point that the speed limits on the lines still in service are lower than 30km/h in some areas. The major east-west highway corridors through the province are riddled with potholes and disintegrating asphalt. And Ford wants to waste money on a Toronto commuter tunnel that we should not need. Diminishing the amount of traffic on the 401 would hopefully get him to move on to the next hare-braned wasteful idea. Eliminating all traffic on the 401 is obviously impractical (and not really necessary to avoid this particular piece of idiocy, since the road is already there).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Making return-to-office mandates illegal would take a bite out of traffic congestion without putting people out of work or requiring any kind of monetary investment. Ford would never do that, however. I expect his friend-circle includes people who own office buildings in Toronto.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The pagers and walkie-talkies may well have been made in China too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

China doesn't accept that Taiwan is a separate country, so I can't see it counting.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yatagarasu - 9/10

How were more people not watching this one??

That's a bit of a mystery to me too, although the second cours was better than the first, and the big hiatus around the Olympics may have made some people drop it out of sheer irritation.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

And if the panic button is going to call the police, how is that any different from the passenger using their phone to contact police? Seems like extra steps of middlemen and confusion when the passenger could just call once they feel the need.

Think of it as a backup for the phone in the case where, say, there's an adult and a kid in the car, the kid has no phone of their own, and the adult loses consciousness with their phone locked. Or the car is being actively jostled by a group of people (say it drove into the middle of an embryonic riot), causing the passenger to drop their phone, whereupon it slides under the seat. Or the phone just runs out of charge or doesn't survive getting dropped into the passenger's triple-extra-large fast-food coffee. It won't be needed 99% of the time, but the other 1% might save someone's life, and (presuming the car already has a cell modem it in) the cost of adding the feature should be minimal.

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