Shared with my favorite blind iOS dev. Should be a good laugh!
Hey, let hiring managers enjoy their riddles!
I also can’t get the printer to work.
OK, tiling window managers are neat and so are TUIs, but web pages are also supposed to work with keyboard only. On Windows, F6 will jump between different panels in an application - give that a try.
The key you’re talking about is the menu key, by the way.
Using a modern OS and the modern web with the keyboard only is essentially a solved problem, not only motivated by efficiency, but also to allow access to people with motor disabilities.
Coming at this from an accessibility… is there any reason the tab, arrow, scape, escape and enter keys would not suffice?
Is it about efficiency? Are Linux GUI apps not expected to be keyboard-only accessible by default?
Don’t mind me, I’m just picking the very best grains of sand to make my own silicon, like a real programmer (xkcd).
I think .NET and EF should handle navigation property nullabiloty better out of the box, especially when you explicitly set the foreign key to long?.
That said, while I understand these relationships in my own projects, adding clear annotations is very helpful for colleagues who may have to provide support in the future. That could even be me!
So there’s no perfect solution in this stack, but anything that makes a developer’s intent clearer helps. Privilege of least surprise, right?
Well, you still have to ! because it may, based on the annotation, be null.
Very handy, regardless. Microsoft’s docs on these attributes are very interesting, particularly the postconditionals.
An open source-ish corporate product is valuable in so much as it’s a vehicle for a paid service, right?
Interestingly enough, you also have, which combines the nature (commercial) and location served (UK), but in the opposite order.