
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's implied that she likes him, at least more than the other ladies

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

threadiverse is for threaded apps like lemmy and kbin, as in practice they're mainly a seperate network from things like mastodon.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Dude there's no point trying to engage reddit atheists

[–] [email protected] 49 points 2 days ago (7 children)

In a way, it's a good sign. The threadiverse is tight-knit and comprehensive enough to become people's primary social site. I've never seen any other reddit alternative get to this point.

[–] [email protected] 115 points 2 days ago (15 children)

I mean have they seen how good Ice Cubes and Mlem look? How can they choose the default Twitter and Reddit apps over those masterpieces.

No, they haven't. 99% of people have never heard of the fediverse or any app within it.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 days ago (3 children)

they're just called communities btw, not sublemmies

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 days ago

hmm, didn't the elves make the sword?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Ruqqus had a feature like that, it was pretty nice

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

That phone's going to die in about an hour

[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

Contempt of the court?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago
  1. They haven't done "it" because it's a different thing
  2. OP did not say not to call it out again, simply ask us to consider why this thing caused more chaos than others
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Idk how to even attach it to a domain


Can the vps provider not read everything on your server, unless it's explicitly encrypted?

I'm asking because I'm interested in self-hosting mainly as a way to get privacy respecting services where good hosted ones don't exist. I'm not sure I really want to deal with running my own hardware


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I was unable to upload even the shortest video because it was too long for my instance. Therefore, please enjoy the following:

  1. Partial visualization of test data. I cut this short because it took 40 seconds to do just a few (out of 81) paths:
  2. Partial visualization of full data. I cut this short because I didn't want to wait 40 minutes. It's sped up 2x by making it 60fps (each step is approximately one frame)
  3. Full visualization, but it only shows the end paths, not individual steps:

Unfortunately youtube is forcing my videos to be shorts due to aspect ratio and length, I don't know if I can force them to a regular video


Full input link (it's kinda cool ngl):


I thought about it for 15 mins, but couldn't think of any mathematical tricks. I thought of lots of minor tricks, like comparing the number to the result and not adding any more multiplications if it's over, things that would cut 10%-20% here and there, but nothing which fundamentally changes big O running time.

For reference, here's my solution for part 2 in smalltalk. I just generated every possible permutation and tested it. Part 1 is similar, mainly I just used bit magic to avoid generating permutations.

(even if you haven't used it, smalltalk is fairly readable, everything is left to right, except in parens)

day7p2: in
	| input | 
	input := in lines collect: [ :l | (l splitOn: '\:|\s' asRegex) reject: #isEmpty thenCollect: #asInteger ].
	^ (input select: [ :line |
		(#(1 2 3) permutationsWithRepetitionsOfSize: line size - 2) 
			anySatisfy: [ :num | (self d7addmulcat: line ops: num) = (line at: 1)]
	]) sum: #first.
d7addmulcat: nums ops: ops
	| final |
	final := nums at: 2.
	ops withIndexDo: [ :op :i |
		op = 1 ifTrue: [ final := final * (nums at: i + 2) ].
		op = 2 ifTrue: [ final := final + (nums at: i + 2) ].
		op = 3 ifTrue: [ final := (final asString, (nums at: i+2) asString) asInteger ]

	^ final

Full input version here:

This poor guard must the fittest person in 1518. Man's doing a marathon every day


I had to stop for finals, so I'm way behind


Poor guy


Some more prompts:

  • Aaron swart: when I simply asked "who is aaron swartz", it never mentioned reddit, focusing mainly on his academic freedom activism. When I tried to follow up, it somehow forgot the context. However when asked directly, it did explain how he helped found it, with some caveats of "his title was controversial"
  • API: when asked a very direct question, it gave a decent history, though it seemed overly focused on apollo, and even mentioned lemmy!
  • Privacy: pretty clearly explained all the privacy issues with reddit when prompted
  • refused to answer on why awkwardtheturtle is hated
  • lemmy: answered thoroughly

edit: it may be blocked from talking about specific users. When I changed the OP to "Why is spez hated" it gave an decent answer. Nothing for awkwardtheturtle though

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