Thanks! I think that is what I was originally trying. By adding the hazard "3" connection to both sides of the blinkers it ends up connecting them so that whether I use blinkers or hazards it's all the same. I'm going to do some more debugging with a multimeter and see if I can understand the switch more. I'll probably just end up getting diodes and wiring it like this diagram with diodes. Just bothering me that I might be missing something.
If you ignore the hazard switch in the image I posted that is what I have wired. 1 & 3 on the blinker switch are connected to blinkers on each side. I got lost when the hazard came into play.. Do you understand what the directions are saying with "+ switch negative", "negative led light inside switch", etc? I looked at the diagrams you linked but it's hurting my brain even more at this point :)
Yeah that's the only thing I can think of too. I don't think the kit came with diodes which made me think I was misunderstanding something. Thanks! I will have to go with this unless there is another trick.
Edit: ended up going with diodes and it works great!
Same here. If I go to a house with a football game or tv show blasting, the next day I see news related to this. It is not something I have googled.
That makes more sense. Thanks
If the glaciers are melting so fast how can things get buried for that long?
I too am curious about this. Does each instance have its own copy of the data from the other instances? How does it stay in sync?
Everytime I see a wingsuit video they fly so close to the ground.. is there an actual reason other than it's a lot of funner?
Added the diodes today and it's all working great! Thanks for helping me understand this!