Just about the hundredth "communication error" about humanitarian aid workers and journalists
The 210 is straight ahead horizontal FOV, i just didn't realize it was greater than 180°, which means it can technicaly never completely fill your peripheral vision. Your binocular vision with both eyes is around 115°. Vertical fov is only 135° though.
My employer gives unlimited sick time but if you use too much you might have to talk to hr about taking a leave of absence if its something long term. If I am not feeling good I "call in" (i.e. send an email :•| ). We also have PTO but being salaried I get paid the same for sick days anyways. If i need a mental health day I just call in and use PTO only for vacation days like they should be used
Theta = 1/2 human fov
r = radius of sun
To the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas
Stale water
Use a glass bottle
The other thing is having proof for what the minimum standards (regulation and policy wise) should be
I did jury duty (though the defense was a nursing home), and understaffing was a major point of the case- pain medication inadequately given, checks for incontinence care done once a day maybe, no nurses available to assist for a patient screaming in pain, and inadequate turning. There were 3-4 CNAs for a wing of 40 patients, which gave them a bit north of 20 minutes to tend to each patient per day after removing their breaks, feeding times and meetings
Thr big problem with this is that pretty much all of our systems rely on infinite uninterrupted growth (e.g. social security) which is just not possible. Rather than tear it down and/or build new systems that dont rely on this, many people who have paid into the system feel ripped off that they have paid into it but will never see the benefits. The people currently collecting hold a lot of political and financial power and would never vote to interrupt that even for the benefit of future generations.
Attracts badgers, you say?
Dimmers will typically use a triac which cuts up the sinusoidal waveform. It doesnt actually lower the amplitude per se, but it limits the fraction of the time the waveform is on. Kinda like this. This means that a lot of the time the led isnt gettingas much or any power. The average power will be lower, and if the LED driving circuitry isnt designed to compensate for this, the LED will flicker.
Clarification on triacs: they get turned on a certain fraction of the way into the cycle. Triacs will stay on until the voltage across them is 0. Conveniently the zero-crossing of the AC wave (when the wall voltage crosses zero to start foing negative or from negative to positive) does just that.
As if im going to be relying on source non-havers in an apocalypse. True apocalypse I'm dying because no way in hell I want to survive just to suffer and meet a grizzly death (e.g. from radiation, zombies, etc.). Something recoverable I'm fine, got my food, water and electricity sorted out. Also a backup copy of wikipedia :•)