That's the Curiosity/Perseverance rovers. The second generation Spirit/Opportunity are much smaller. Spirit is to the upper left.
I read he and they has "variables" in the programming sense. Not the "h" "e" sense
Story still pisses me off to the day I heard about it.
TL,DR: in the dead of night bulldozers physically tore up portions of runway. Standing 50+ airplanes. FAA approved using taxiway to evacuate
It just the other guy is a giant
The insane thing to me is that even if MediaWiki shut down completely with no warning, I bet we wouldn't lose anything. We got people backing it up instantly
That's why I choose carefully
I was about to ask "why Dale"
community, for the work to continue to be open source.
Share alike is the most important clause IMO. Stand on the shoulders of giants and all
It's a meme, but it's also a banger
Shh. Enjoy the meme.
(but yes)
The induction is mindboggling. Haven't gotten the hang of it yet because I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE HOW.
It's life changing. I'm coming from the electric "coil" stoves
Granted, it sucks that a few of our old pots are useless now, but we have plenty good still, so not a huge loss
checks c
Oh shit! subscribed