
joined 1 year ago
[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

It used to require a PlexPass membership. Now it doesn't.

[–] flynnguy 1 points 1 year ago

I did, I couldn't seem to get it to work. Mobius just didn't seem to be able to connect to the obsidian app folder. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong but this would be ideal for me because I already had syncthing syncing to my NAS as well. Maybe I'll revisit it at some point.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

Nice, last night I self-hosted a couchdb server and setup

So far it's working well though I had forgot to set the encryption key on one device which caused it to try and sync the encrypted version so I had a bunch of conflicts to resolve. Once that was sorted though, it's been working well and I can sync stuff to my iPad now. We'll see long term how it works.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I haven't, I'll have to check it out. I have an iPad but need to figure out a good way to sync notes without paying $10/month. (The iPad doesn't working with Syncthing or google drive :( )

[–] flynnguy 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, the MD at the end stands for Markdown which is the format it uses to store it's notes.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

Agreed, there are a bunch of great videos out there but she has a bunch that really started to show me how powerful this app really is.

[–] flynnguy 1 points 1 year ago

Nicole van der Hoeven has some great videos on using some of the plugins. I'd recommend checking out:

  • Templater
  • Dataview
  • QuickAdd
  • Tasks
  • Natural Language Dates
  • Calendar
  • Advanced Tables

I have a few more plugins I'm using but I use the above daily.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

I'd recommend just using whatever cloud backup tool you have access to (Dropbox, google drive, whatever Microsoft's thing is, iCloud) or setup something like Syncthing. I use Syncthing and sync it to my NAS which seems to be working well so far.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

I've been using Syncthing to sync my notes... it doesn't work on my iPad (because of the way the iPad file permissions work) but I'm able to sync between my phone and my personal computer and work computer. (I also have Syncthing running on my NAS so it's automatically backed up!!)

Syncthing doesn't cost anything. You could also use dropbox or google drive or whatever so you don't have to pay. I agree, it's a pretty steep fee for what it is.

[–] flynnguy 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So I have a folder called people/ that contains a note per person that I work with. (I have a template that helps create what I'm about to describe for each person too so creating one of these people notes is as simple as typing their name). In there I have what you'd expect, name, email, position along with maybe some personal notes I want to remember about them but then I have a dataview table that lists all the meetings I've had with them since I started taking notes.

To do this, it's a simple dataview table in the person note and then I also have a meetings/ folder where I add my meetings. In there, I just have an attendee's section where I put people's names (just using the [[name]] notation) and obsidian links them and the meeting will show up in the table.

I can also add todo items right in this meeting template and using the tasks plugin, I can create a list of tasks that it pulls in from all my other notes. So I have a daily journal note and this has a list of all my uncompleted tasks. (Again, all this is templated so I just have to open today's journal entry to see these things)

And to top it all off, it's all in just plain text markdown files so I'm not locked into some proprietary format.

[–] flynnguy 2 points 1 year ago

I just think as someone new (like the OP), setting up vanilla pihole is a little easier.

[–] flynnguy 4 points 1 year ago

I currently use Syncthing and it works with the exception of syncing to my iPad (and I imagine iPhone but I have an Android)... need to figure out something else for that. I did see someone somewhere mention CouchDB combined with so I might try that and see if it works.

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