thanks. my understanding was that i would have to redo this every time my binary changes or nix package paths change. for the moment this seems quite laborious.
Danke euch beiden für den Hinweis. Ich werd's mal ausprobieren, weil das ständige updaten schon nervt.
wieso abo falle? Du willst doch deine Steuererklärung jedes Jahr machen. Ich nutze dass seit Jahren (in einer vm da es unter Linux nicht funktioniert) und bin echt zufrieden. ist sogar voreingestellt, dass du die Kosten für Software absetzen kannst. Ich hab meine Steuern ein paar Mal in Excel gemacht, nie wieder.
my 1WO stares at me in utter disbelief how his supposedly ace of a Kaleun could fuck up this badly. again. (Silent Hunter 3. snuck into a convoy at night and bad weather. convoy zigs towards me, no time for final speed estimation, i go with last estimate, 4 eels in the water, all pass ahead. possibility: convoy slowed one knot due sea state. decide to surface to reposition. have a brainfart, my artillery starts shooting. hell breaks loose, star shells and searchlights everywhere. both engines AK, course 90. destroyer follows shooting star shells. half an hour zigzagging until he loses me.
yeah i agree. my post was more generally aimed at the bot's author.
would it be possible to add a little bit of context to the bot's posts? title+subtitle really isn't much
- serious eats
- vegrecipesofindia
- the silver spoon
- (good for planning but recipes need some tweaking)
- whenever i travel i make it a point to get a cookbook about the local cuisine
boah danke. Ich dachte schon meine Wahrnehmung hätte sich geändert. hatte den ne ganze Zeit als irgendwie anständige Zeitung gelesen aber in letzter Zeit wurde ich immer unzufriedener damit. Kennst du noch Alternativen?
it might be related to this ram conserving thingie in Chrome
utf Support under windows (which is not r's fault) which might/will be (is already?) fixed
the rate at which packages change, sometimes breaking stuff (renv to the rescue)
how my place does not invest in proper integration but uses various scripts stored on a network drive with absolutely no documentation
digitale Photos auf eigener nextcloud Instanz, analoge aber tatsächlich als negativ im Ordner (beschriftet mit Ort Zeit und Film, +specials). Ich find's durchaus hübsch mal was handfestes zu haben.
okay, in that scenario this makes sense. I'll try to get into building derivations for my own stuff then. thanks a lot