Yeah, so happy they apparently learned how to count.
Got it, so I should be safe if I print it in PETG. Thanks!
So I got a crazy idea - hear me out - how about we just abolish copyright completely, for everyone?
I mean, it works in China pretty well.
Straftäter abschieben ist was völlig anderes als Remigration, oder Umsiedlung, wie das früher mal sprachlich nett verpackt wurde.
Das verstehst du doch auch, oder?
Ob die Ziele der AFD mit denen der gesamte Wählerschaft übereinstimmen bezweifle ich. Da sind bestimmt einige Protestwähler die sind kaum mit den richtigen Inhalte beschäftigen wollen. Die da oben sind doof, alles scheisse, früher war besser, usw.
Oder finden die das zB alle super, dass die AFD Bürgergeld und Sozialhilfen kürzen wollen?
Die AFD ist nicht die NSDAP, und beide nutzen / nutzten unterschiedliche Euphemismen für zB Zwangsdeportationen. Die Ziele sind aber die gleichen.
And Piastri isn't doing the team a favor by squeezing his teammate so hard he loses two places.
I just don't understand McLaren. Remember the drama in Hungary, where Norris had to give up his position to Piastri? But now, papaya rules?
Somehow, Piastri seems bent on not being #2 and it looks like he's got the team behind him. And Norris is such a nice guy he'll just fold and play along.
Piastri is ruthless enough to be WDC, but his racecraft is erratic. Norris is a better allround, quick and can keep his cool. But he's too fucking diplomatic. They need each other to maximize points and not squeeze each other out of the way.
AFAIK chat contents are stored unencrypted on the server.
I gave into the hype and tried out kagi. Have to admit, it really is astonishing how much of the internet you miss out on using Bing or google.
If it's really worth the amount of money they ask is a different question, but at the moment there isn't an alternative equivalent.
I installed Bluefin on my mother's laptop and it's like a Chromebook for her. She just wants to surf and consume media, and the OS stays solid and out of they way.
Atomic distros are the biggest advance for Linux in recent years.