The “first of his name” is essential. He also has loads of nicknames. Like Cleetorus. We love loudly calling for Cleetorus when he’s running down the street.
I certainly don’t mean to shame you for what seems to be a desire to play the game without being propositioned for sex at all. That seems to me to be a completely different thing than wanting to remove a particular sexuality from the game but leaving others intact.
It’s funny how much this comment mirrors the experience of LGBT people left and right. Do you think it’s not awkward for a lesbian to “have to straight up reject” their male “friends” who come on to them? Or gay men and their female “friends”, or asexuals and literally anyone.
Memmy for iOS allows instance level blocking in the settings.
If I’m not paid for ALL the time I am required to be on-site and available to my employer (including for security purposes), I’m finding another job asap. Don’t give your time away without being compensated for it.
And I still never saw the way the orange slayed the rake!
It’s not even 8:30 AM and the internet has already made me feel old. Brb gotta go take my medication for my back pain and queue up some techno on WinAmp.
Indeed. It doesn’t help that anxiety has multiple causes, some of which overlap and compound each other. I couldn’t have gotten a handle on my anxiety without medication, but in my case I also couldn’t have done it without a great therapist who took the time to get to know me and help me learn the various factors that were contributing to my particular stew of neuroses. Telling me to just breathe or exercise or meditate would not have done shit for me although ironically all of those things are part of my routine now but only after a long road of trial and error and practice.
Thanks for the tips! I’m very grateful for how cannabis interacts with my brain chemistry. I am predispositioned to stress induced anxiety and panic attacks and consuming pretty much any flower that isn’t absolute garbage will at the very least “take the edge off” and the act of preparing and smoking the flower provides an excellent opportunity for relaxation and bringing the stress levels down before even taking the effects of the weed itself into account. I’ll definitely have to start looking out for good Humulene and CBG heavy strains.
You are fairly spot on with your assessment of me. It may all be gobbledygook and placebo but I’ve found that bud that is heavy in the Caryophyllene is very effective at helping reduce pain and inflammation when I’m dealing with a flare up of an as yet undiagnosed gastrointestinal issue, allowing me to function under conditions that would otherwise leave me huddled in agony on the toilet all day. The limonene heavy strains are great for jogging me out of depression induced apathy, and yeah the myrcene does great knocking me out when I’m having trouble staying asleep.
You’re right. Knowing he thinks he’s being funny just makes it even more egregious.