
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 7 months ago

"Funny" how the only group in double digits against ending the Ukraine war are Dems.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 7 months ago (2 children)

For a crime older than I am, was there even any justice served at this point? The man wasn't actively a threat to society and was instead used as an experiment subject. The only cases I'm even sympathetic to execution are of the monsters that lead to hundreds of deaths through social murder or negligence, but in the western world you just gotta pay less than a single PS5 to the families to get off the hook for that kind of shit and even then just lock them up.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 7 months ago

While I know probably a lot of terrible people get fucked over in such a way, I feel like most of my experiences involve relatively nice people just sorta fucked by a terrible set of circumstances.

Like when I still worked in a hospital setting, we had the sweetest woman with ALS, she brightened everyone's day in just interacting with her despite her disease being super advanced and being dependent. The entire unit got depressed when we found out she died a few weeks later in the ICU. Also had a poor woman with a giant Kennedy ulcer that developed that for weeks just held on and also got revived by her defibrillator, despite being in agony almost all the time.

If there was a truly just and good God, monsters like Fetterman would be the ones locked in their bodies stuck in a terrible nursing home where they spend half the day sitting in their own shit until their skin dissolves leaving a giant pressure injury in its wake.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

When I was young I had a random username generator give me 4994 as the suffix to my username to avoid duping, I got so lucky that when I forgot my passwords I'd shift the outer numbers going 5995 rather than the inner going 4884.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 8 months ago

Their strategy for the last several decades is "we'll try to implement something and then something will stop us and oh darn we can't do anything about it." "Oh no the Parlimentarian won't let us do it" "Oh no Manchin and Sinema won't let us do it" "Oh no we don't want to breach decorum"

There's no meaningful change, anything they do actually pass is obnoxiously means tested. They were bragging about cutting overdraft fees in half, about a 16 cent less Fourth of July cookout. Affordable housing is nonexistent, it's all a speculation market and owned by property management corps these days. The debt forgiveness is such an easy win that they intentionally let die and never did anything else just being happy to kinda sorta let a tiny section of the population see some relief.

When you look at China and their significant advances in renewables and reducing their carbon footprint, it's quite obvious that when a nation actually gives a shit and pushes for something better, you could have more than some paltry tax credit system that gets abused by fuckos like Musk where they'll remain profitable because they're selling the credits.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago

In healthcare we still do 10 days. Any of my patients get covid, it’s 10 days of gowns, n95s, goggles or face shields, and gloves on and off constantly. The unit gets locked down to prevent crossover and if we reach a certain threshold we also have to start just gowning up permanently taking it off to see the noncovid ones that may be stuck there where otherwise a mask outside the room is adequate.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago (5 children)

I’d like to point out that I’ve seen the same commercial featuring bad luck Brian over a dozen times today at work. Marketing people are still stuck in the early 2010s

[–] [email protected] 9 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 13 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Self taught myself Japanese and not the “self taught watching anime” but with actual textbooks. Living in Japan for a while really helped solidify a lot of it for me, now I can understand most stuff I’m interested in but technical stuff will still absolutely ruin me. I’ve also given up learning to write, if I can read I can type it out anyway.

One of the things I learned while in high school in Japan was that old Japanese is absolutely cursed and as a foreign kid with like conversational Japanese at best it was impossible to understand. And then I also was left in the dust in math when only years later did I realize I was in a calculus course for first years and I only like 3 years away from calculus in the US as a senior.

Then there was the fun when I’d respond with hm? To clarify a question and the people around me would take it as me agreeing since un counts as a yes.

So many things you take for granted with culture and language that you learn about when learning a new language. Honestly was probably my first step towards who I am today and leaving behind my reactionary teenage self. My world expanded, though not good, trans existence was more acknowledged in Japan to a degree even back when I was there though people would still misgender and be shitty, it helped just seeing people exist. Then one night the family I was staying with started talking about how pretty I’d be if I was a girl and yeah…

[–] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago

What if I jump onto the tracks and die with my family member?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago (4 children)

When I was looking for a whetstone the amazon results were actually sorta funny. They're selling all the same thing just with a stamped company name on it but the price varies wildly.


papyrus-cool Hey there crew, I just did an amazing accomplishment and survived 100 days in Rimworld.

tromp Hit that like button, ring that bell, and do horrors beyond comprehension to that subscribe button!

cursed If you don't hit subscribe in the next 10 seconds this creepy spider will crawl over your face while you're asleep tonight!

shinji-froggy-chair What am I doing with my life?


I was looking for some more vegan yogurt alternatives at the store yesterday so I decided to try a couple brands I hadn't tried before, mainly the oatmilk variety because all the coconut milk variety were gone. Bought an oatmilk yogurt which was fine if a little bland and bought a cup of Mush.

Feel like I could make it myself in a fraction of the time with significantly better oats, flavor, and experience. It was cold, wet, dissolving oats mixed with a strong vanilla flavor that was overwhelming and by the end I was ready to tap out. Without a better word for it, it was mush. They told me from the very beginning that it was mush and I was surprised when I was eating mush. agony-yehaw

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