This game was it's year's sleeper hit for me. It really is good, despite the story being a bit cheesy at times.
I actually didn't think about it much, because I block all ads. But consumerism can be fun, I wouldn't mind ads if I had a say in which I see.
Weird how neolibs are proponents of the free market all the time, but at the same time insist on shoving crap we don't want down our throats. I like your suggestion.
Natürlich weiß er das und selbstverständlich ist es ihm egal. Es geht doch gar nicht um eine inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung, es soll nur den Anschein haben, weil grundlos Ablehnen zwar gewollt ist, aber schlecht wirkt.
Also schiebt man hier eine Pseudo-Debtatte vor, die Medien leisten wie zu oft nichts von Wert und du kriegst Kopfschmerzen.
I am with you on that one. I am also disappointed by the BBC.
There is no system of precedence for rulings of lower courts in Germany, technically not even for higher courts (albeit there de facto is). That's something you could find in the U.S. though.
The lower court fucked up and it got overruled. The only thing Sony could have done would have been to bring similar cases to the same lower level court again and again and hope they make the same wrong decision over and over. That's about the closest thing to precedence they could have relied on. It probably would have worked for Sony though.
Die Familie als solche ist vom Grundgesetz geschützt!!!11
Racism is never acceptable, true. I also believe people have been racist towards her in her life. And I am pretty positiv this is a narrative she is spinning to gain votes.
For all I care she can pound sand and yet I'd still defend her against racism any day.
But you are wrong that her politics don't matter. Her party is actively working towards a more intolerant society and racism towards her is a the natural consequence of these politics. You can't stoke a fire and then complain it is burning things.
Das ist richtig. Schade, dass es normale Leute trifft, aber Streik soll ja unangenehm sein.
Die Streiken ja nicht, weil sie eine zu gute Work-Life-Balance haben und paar Million auf dem Konto, sondern weil sie Missstände anprangern. Die kannst du persönlich nicht ändern, sehr wohl aber die Leute deren Chef du eigentlich bist: Die Politiker.
Genau bei denen sollte deine Kritik landen, damit sich wss tut und Streiks vielleicht mal überflüssig werden.
She also got sent a picture and said someone was racist towards her. Must be true then. She is a Tory, they never lie for their own benefit.
Wenn du in einer staatlichen Einrichtung bist und dein Ausbilder staatlicher Beschäftigter, dann verletzt er nach deinen Aussagen seine Neutralitätspflicht. Bei Beamten gilt das erst Recht.
Beschwer dich gerne öfter und gerne auch schriftlich. Du bist da nicht, um vollgeschwurbelt zu werden, sondern weil du ausgebildet werden sollst. Wenn seine Vorgesetze keine Disziplinarmaßnahmen ergreifen will und dir nicht erklären kann, wieso nicht, dann eskalier die Sache nach ein paar Versuchen an die ihr vorgesetzte Person.
Es ist super, dass du dich gegen sowas wehrst. Vor Repressionen kann dich niemand endgültig bewahren, aber kaum jemand hat dein Rückgrat.
It is a legit question. Usually you don't have to pro-actively inform anyone that you disagree with anything, TOS included. That's just what companies want you to believe since it benefits them greatly.
No idea though how things in the U.S. are handled and if there are differences in certain states. It would surprise me though if that was actually an enforcable legal principle.
That's irregular. Have it checked by a medical professional and get a second or third opinion if you already were at the doctor.
There is cases where the underlying reason can not be discovered. Those are usually harmless. Pretty much all cases where an underlying reason can be determined can be tested for and for almost all of them should get you medical treatment. They reach from not good to serious danger to your health.