
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 weeks ago (17 children)

Content? Hardly.

Disinformation. Lies. Etc.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Wasn’t sure I’d agree when I started reading, but I like the way you think.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks for sharing, and for the bonus word - chatoyant inks are my favorites!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

I benefit from an orphan drug, and the R&D was most definitely subsidised by the public purse.

My insurance pays a few grand a month for it.

The mfg coupon covers most of the rest, minus a copay.

This is the second iteration of the original drug. The first hasn’t meaningfully fallen in price and only the original company can manufacture and distribute the generic even under the name of competitors.

There was no breakthrough in the second iteration, and the logic to solve the “problem” they solved was straightforward. So now I pay more, for an anecdotally less effective version that addresses a risk irrelevant to me but present in the original.

There is yet a third iteration on the way.

Shock revelations:

  • pharma companies are greedy and will double dip against both government subsidies and patients/insurance at every opportunity.
  • XX Pharma didn’t pay for the original R&D, my gov did.
  • if one replaces Na with a/several similar elements, one still ends up with a salt, often resulting in a drug variant that “doesn’t affect blood pressure” and offers no other real benefits, nor risks.
  • Clinical trials for said alternative salt are broadly leas expensive than for the original. That does not result in lower prices.

Nationalise pharma research, if not the manufacturers.

Also, generics are often manufactured in countries with, shall we say, fewer controls and regulations. Know who makes those pills and where. If you can’t stomach the FDA reports on that manufacturer, find a pharmacy who will sell you something else…

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Probably cheap at the price compared to burning Jet A by the tens or hundreds of gallons.

Not that I am unconcerned about the resource usage. Lesser of two evils.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

That’s not per se inaccurate. There would have been relatively little cultural divergence at that point, so large scale “take what you like and leave the rest” would have been reasonable.

Wouldn’t want to copy and paste their laws now (see “Safety of Rwanda” bill under the prior PM), and we made the right decision from the start to dispose of honours with titles altogether.

Not, of course, that we’ve banished the aristocracy, or even the generally well-off, but can you imagine an effusive Sir ($FalconRocketGuy)?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

My understanding in the US (generally, given all our various types of jurisdictions) is that the concept cannot be discussed by a jury/juror, at risk of a mistrial.

Considering how many ancient laws are still on the books but “generally understood” to be not enforced, and how many rabid DAs we have, in some cases nullification is the best shot at a fair trial.

Appeals are useful, but take significant time and money. So much simpler to have the jury come to an understanding that the law is ridiculous on its face and from a bygone era.

The UK variant on a Constitution has always intrigued me, being ~unwritten, but I’ve never had the time and energy to delve too deeply into the underlying ideas.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

At one time, Reddit (or at least the core server) was open source. Statistically, it's relatively likely that someone, somewhere forked and is maintaining that code for their own purposes to this day, but I'm not actively aware of any examples.

If someone has been maintaining a fork, I'd love to see the old comment database imported into it and made available, though I don't know offhand what license either the code or the comments were released under.

A FOSS Reddit, without the chaos that took over America during the presidential administration installed in 2016, and branching from there, would be an interesting point of diversion to say the least.

Edit: quickie DDG search found me one fork archived in 2023 and a further form updated a year or so ago. That’s recent enough the damn thing just might build with a little work.

2023 fork of open source reddit

~2024 fork

I’m sure there are others…

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Generally? Well within the executive power / administrative law of any given state as noted by BlueFalcon below.

Practically? I'd expect it to be quite a struggle. For licensed professions in general (doctors, real estate, insurance, hairdressers, etc.) most or all states ask a question to the effect of "Has your license for profession ever been suspended or revoked in any other state?". It may or may not be an automatic disqualifier, but even if not it's an uphill battle.

It prevents the real estate agent who stole someone's earnest money from upping stakes to the next state and getting licensed, but since the standards for suspending/revoking licenses vary widely by state I lean towards believing that perhaps it should be a factor, and perhaps the state board of profession should meet to review the application, but previous disciplinary action in some other state is in no way an absolute statement about someone's fitness to practice in their chosen field.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

And no asinine private jet commute required for the AI CEO...

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

Sell them to someone who will test and resell them to the airline or medical industry... Manufacturing is a likely customer as well, plenty of legacy equipment there that's airgapped and still running decades-old hw/sw.

Youtube warning, some Boeing 747s

Recent BBC article

(This is a wrong answer since you only have a single pack. If you had several cases, you might actually be able to make a buck)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Saw a post on mastodon in the last day or so that someone dug up a network card for the old 486 they had been working on getting back to life. Might be a use case there, as well as in aviation and medicine - fields that move exceptionally slowly and tend to have expensive equipment with long lifetimes.

  • FWP Grand Central Skies / Safari M
  • Iroshizuku Suo-Ro / Sport B
  • Diamine Havasu Turquoise / Safari F
  • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
  • "Just Blue" / Lilliput F

Love the way GCS shimmers.

A CCR quote, and a few words of a certain classic twenty-five minute Arlo Guthrie song.


This isn't "proper" alt text, but the quotes at the bottom got a bit illegible as I ran out room, so...

20204. Clariefontaine A5

  • Diamine Violet / Sailor 21
  • Diamine Sherwood Green / Sport F
  • FWP Pink Sugar Beach / Preppy 05 M
  • Diamine Earl Grey / Perkeo M
  • Iroshizuku sui-gyoku / Perkeo M
  • Diamine Pumpkin / Perkeo M

Bother me tomorrow, today I'll buy no sorrows... - CCR [Above is in my atrocious cursive, just to see if I can even still write a simple sentence in it]

All those people, all those lives, where are they now? With loves, and hates, and passions just like mine, they were born and then they lived and then they died And then ~~they~~ I also ran out of room on the page, it continues "Seems so unfair, I want to cry." (The Smiths)

That's it for today, I suspect I'm a little behind on reading comments, hopefully will have some time today to remedy that.


I'm in an oddball mood this morning, so the quote is from Simon and Garfunkel's "America". The original is "Kathy," the spelling liberty just fit my mood. Same for the mixed styles and colors in the text.

  • Diamine Pink Ice / Preppy 05M
  • Diamine Tropical Glory / Preppy 03F
  • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
  • Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku / Perkeo M

Clairefontaine Triomphe 90gsm lined stationery, which also happens to be stationary within a generic six-ring binder from Amazon that I stripped the cover off, and rigged to a much more solid piece of cardboard cut down to A5-ish.

Slides really nicely that way right into a Travelers Notebook, the original cover was clear flexy plastic and kinda worthless as an insert.

Quickie ink samples are on Midori in A6, weight unknown. It plays pretty well with a lot of things, I thought I'd dig the color, but... Not so much.

Keeb in the background is generic Chinese 80-key from Amazon, to replace the one that was on sale because it was UK layout and my dumb ass didn't notice. Juuuuuuust different enough to be infuriating when I'm trying to work...

Gotta say, y'all, I enjoy this hobby on a relatively solitary basis, but... I'm having a friggin' blast doing these - not just because I'm rediscovering stuff I adore that's been buried too long in my ink drawer, but the sharing as well.

PS my penmanship is almost as potato as my photography skills. But I'm kinda stuck with both skills sucking, at this age. Meh, I still have fun.


As ever, y'all, forgive the potato-quality image.

Today's contestants...

  • Amo-Iro / Sport EF
  • Hana-Ikada / Jinhao (model unknown) EF
  • Syo-Ro / Sport B
  • Grand Central Skies / Safari M

The shimmer in GCS doesn't photograph as well as I'd like, but there is some serious depth to that ink as with most FWP products.

Also, confession time... But just between the lot of us, of course... I may be a 45 year old man, but dammit, Hana-Ikada is one of my all time favorite colors. Can't even tell you why, but it brings a smile to my face to use, and it's just SO well behaved and clean to write with...

Second and third faves, while I'm confessing such things, are FWP Pink Sugar Beach and Diamine Pink Ice. Slightly less well behaved, but only just, and who doesn't love pink sparkly... Um... Yeah I'm not helping my case here lol!


Have a bottle of both, barely opened, and zero chance I’ll ever use either.

Without getting into the why…. 2 nearly full bottles of noodlers inks free to good home. Cover actual ship cost and they’re yours.

Really, truly, I want the damn things outta my ink drawer because I won’t ever use ‘em and because reasons.

Hell, if you’re somewhere between roughly Chambana, IL and Indianapolis, I might even be up to meet you somewhere.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since my handwriting is a dog’s breakfast…

“Today’s fun

Going out for a bit so keeping it light. Just my much adored Fuyu-Gaki (you’ve seen that EF nib) and “mooring on the quinuai river,” from a Chinese company whose name I can’t recall, in a preppy 05M. Don’t know if the shimmer will photograph well.”

Still up for sample trades, can never have too many inks!

  • Jade Green
  • Hope Pink
  • Havasu Turquoise
  • Hotaru Bi

Possible that I've posted this here before, but since views seem to be trending upwards and it also might have been on the other instance that's gone now...

...I positively love these pens, but is there any practical way to disassemble them, or am I stuck with the ink color I chose for them?


Maybe - just maybe - I'm a bit early but there's a chance my morning will be a lil nuts so might as well set things out and post ahead of time.

Also, feedback welcome - don't want to spam the sub, do want to add some useful content even if it's just a post history with a bunch of ink samples in it so some lunatic (like me) can agonize over the perfect orange between FG and Pumpkin (Protip, Iroshizuku every. single. time. It just writes better, across more pens, IMHO. It's also a slightly more pricey addiction than Diamine, so...)

Today's fun includes:

  • Fuyu-Gaki in Safari EF

  • Midway the Magnificent in a Perkeo M

  • Pumpkin in another of the ever-present Perkeo M

  • Amo-Iro in Sport EF

Pardon my handwriting, and weird datetime formatting. Blame my journaling habit for the latter, as it makes finding things I know I 100% wrote down rather easier. The former is all me.

Midori A6 for the scribbles, Clairefontaine in the background.

Today's Pens (infosec.pub)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Being the change I want to see (more traffic and more interesting pens here)...

My primary pens for today are a Safari F inked with Tsutsuji, and a Kaweco Lilliput in brass, with the Kaweco Blue cartridge it came with (also F). I'll refill it with something more interesting when the time comes, just haven't decided what.

On an average day, I might rotate through two pens; or everything I have inked. Just depends on my mood.

Edit: That's Midori A6 they're sitting on / scribbled on, and Clairefontaine A5 in the background.


Tired of wondering when the Big G will kill off GV, and now I also find myself needing to port a number quickly so I don't lose it (damned MFA backup SMS!).

3 numbers, a fax would be nice though I can take it or leave it. Basic autoattendant would be nice, voicemail and transcription, etc.

Really, I'm just looking for the features that have been bundled for years on the consumer side, and without nickling/diming me to death on it - and without Google.

Amazon's call center product is interesting, but more than a little heavy for me. I hate to go all-in on a self-hosted PBX when I don't really have the need. Not to mention I've still got to pay for the DID if I do that..

Used RingCentral for many years, and wasn't impresses. That was a while back, I hear they've improved somewhat, but the experience still left a bad taste.

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